Alabama conservatives Shelby, Palmer stave off Democrat challengers


Tuesday night’s election results marked a historic windfall for conservatives across the nation. Backlash against liberal mandates of the past eight years- Obamacare, sweeping amnesty attempts, transgender bathroom directives, and the like- not only secured victory for Donald Trump, but Alabama Republicans as well.

In the Yellowhammer State, Senator Richard Shelby and Representative Gary Palmer mounted aggressive campaigns that bucked against those exact issues, resulting in wins that echoed state voters’ stances against an overreaching big government.

Now that their re-election is secure, both have said that they are ready to roll up their sleeves, aware that their new terms issue them an opportunity to turn the tide. It matters that a Republican president is now at the helm.

“The American people delivered a clear message last night,” Congressman Gary Palmer said. “They not only entrusted us with the White House, they entrusted us by maintaining the Republican majorities in the House and Senate. It is now up to us to honor that trust and deliver on our promises.”

Like Trump, Congressman Palmer was first elected as a political outsider, having no previous political experience aside from his role in the State Policy Network. He won re-election to a second term on Tuesday night in a sweep against his Democrat challenger, 75% to 25%.

“Historic moments present us with historic opportunities,” he added. “America is a great nation and deserves great service from those in Washington. I look forward to working with my House and Senate colleagues and President-Elect Trump to take on the great challenges ahead to get a nation back on the right track and to make America great again.”

Senator Richard Shelby also handily won over his liberal opponent. In a statement, he agreed that he and his GOP colleagues in Washington have an historic opportunity ahead of them.

“Last night the American people roundly rejected the failed Obama-Clinton policies that aren’t working for our country,” Shelby said. “We now have the opportunity to come together to champion conservative causes and reverse the damage that has been done from big government policies like Obamacare and Dodd-Frank. I look forward to working with President-elect Trump and my conservative colleagues in Congress on common sense solutions that will ensure a brighter future for all Americans.”