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Alabama congressmen: Obama has a gun control plan, but no strategy to defeat ISIS

From left: Congressmen Martha Roby (R-AL2), Bradley Byrne (R-AL1) and Mike Rogers (R-AL3)
From left: Congressmen Martha Roby (R-AL2), Bradley Byrne (R-AL1) and Mike Rogers (R-AL3)

WASHINGTON — Several Republican members of Alabama’s congressional delegation released statements on Monday criticizing President Barack Obama for his latest Oval Office address, which they each said focused on taking gun rights away from American citizens, rather than defeating ISIS and other radical groups.

Their statements can be found below.

RELATED: Bentley: Obama using gun control push to distract from national security failures

Bradley Byrne

(Today is) December 7th, a day that will live in infamy because our nation was attacked at Pearl Harbor by an enemy we failed to fully understand. I worry we are making the same mistake today when it comes to Islamic extremism. The President’s speech (Sunday night) offered nothing new in the way of a strategy to defeat this enemy. We need a clear strategy that will ensure our enemy is defeated in the Middle East, on social media, and here at home. More political speeches won’t solve the problem. We need action from our Commander-in-Chief.

Byrne also appeared on MSNBC Monday morning:

The one thing I didn’t hear last night was a comprehensive strategy with some new items in it that will defeat these people over in the Middle East. Because as long as they are having victories over there, that gives them the propaganda tool that they need to recruit people here and in other places around the world.

Byrne’s full comments can be seen in the video below.

Martha Roby

Americans are rightfully concerned about the growing threat posed by radical Islamic terrorism, and I’m glad President Obama chose to address the nation.

I’m disappointed that, once again, the president did not lay out a clear strategy for actually defeating ISIS. Repeating old talking points and deflecting blame does not demonstrate the kind of leadership Americans want and need in a moment like this.

I agree that Congress should pass an Authorization of Military Force specific to ISIS, and I have co-sponsored a straightforward resolution that can move forward tomorrow. However, many in Congress are understandably reluctant to authorize military force when our Commander-in-Chief repeatedly fails to demonstrate a clear strategy for confronting and defeating the ISIS threat.

President Obama is wrong to use the terrorist threat to advance his anti-gun agenda. Trying to strip law-abiding Americans of their 2nd Amendment right to own firearms is no way to combat terrorism. I will fight any attempt by President Obama to erode our 2nd Amendment rights.

Mike Rogers

President Obama’s address Sunday night was nothing more than him taking advantage of an opportunity to mask his failed strategy against ISIS. He used the San Bernardino terrorist attack as a plea for tighter gun control measures rather than announcing a real strategy to destroy ISIS. I will fight against any effort by the Obama Administration to restrict our Second Amendment rights. President Obama must realize the true threat of violent Islamic extremism and create a strategy to destroy it at its source. The American people deserve nothing less.

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