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Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks blows up the impeachment game

The Democrats’ real plan on impeachment is starting to come to light.

Don’t hold a vote; do media interviews; pretend the president deserves to be removed.

Republican Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) is not having it.

Appearing on this weekend’s “Guerrilla Politics,” Brooks argued that Democrats are trying to prevent Republicans from calling witnesses to testify and trying to limit their participation in the investigation.

When asked why Democrats were doing things the way that they are, Brooks responded, “[T]o prevent the Republicans or President Trump from calling witnesses that may shed a different light on the story.”

Those on the right have long argued that this process is political and has nothing to do with finding the truth, and polling indicates that 55% of the American people also feel the same way.

Yesterday, Axios reported that Trump would send a letter to Nancy Pelosi, effectively daring the Democrats to hold a vote on impeachment and putting many vulnerable Democrats on record with an official vote.

“The White House is planning to send Speaker Nancy Pelosi a letter as soon as Friday arguing that President Trump and his team can ignore lawmakers’ demands until she holds a full House vote formally approving an impeachment inquiry,” two sources familiar with the letter reportedly told Axios.

The president and Brooks are on the same page with this. They both understand the unprecedented nature of what Democrats are trying to do.

“They are using a process that denies us on the defense side the ability to call witnesses. This may be the first time in history it’s ever happened,” said Brooks.

Now, all across the country, Republicans in Congress have joined the White House to start fighting back against the circus that impeachment has already become.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) also sent a letter to Pelosi, highlighting the need to follow precedent and calling her actions reckless.

“Unfortunately, you have given no clear indication as to how your impeachment inquiry will proceed – including whether key historical precedents or basic standards of due process will be observed,” McCarthy explained in his letter to Pelosi. “In addition, the swiftness and recklessness with which you have proceeded has already resulted in committee chairs attempting to limit minority participation in scheduled interviews, calling into question the integrity of such an inquiry.”

Brooks also made it clear that he believes the president has done nothing wrong.

When asked by Dr. Waymon Burke whether Trump sought a political favor from Ukraine, Brooks quickly responded, “He didn’t.”

Brooks went on to argue that the bar for impeachment has already been historically set and that even if Trump had done what he is being accused of, it does meet that bar.

“If you believe in the 14th Amendment’s equal protection that everybody should be treated equally before the law, then quite clearly what the Democrats are accusing him of is not an impeachable offense because it is much, much much less severe then what the Senate acquitted Bill Clinton of in his impeachment,” Brooks remarked.

It is clear that Brooks and other Republicans will continue to try to expose the truth out of this charade, even with the media and their Democrats seemingly content to continue playing games with this process.

Watch here (full episode airs all over Alabama this weekend):

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN

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