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Alabama author Andy Andrews pens, performs ‘Killing Dr. Seuss,’ a poetic nod to cancel culture’s latest victim

New York Times best-selling author Andy Andrews on Monday released “Killing Dr. Seuss,” a poetic commentary on cancel culture’s continuing proliferation across American society.

Andrews, an Alabama native and resident of Orange Beach, released the poem in written format — complete with Dr. Seuss-esque illustrations — and in video format with Andrews narrating the poem.

The piece, which he also calls “A Bedtime Story for Today,” uniquely honors what is quickly becoming the antiquated memory of the beloved children’s author following Dr. Seuss’ birthday last week.

A portion of the poem reads:

“The Toleration Rules are in place.

So, remain silent, Dear, like we’ve done all along.
The time’s passed for making a fuss.
For the law now states that we tolerate them,
But they don’t have to tolerate us.”

“Do you remember Opinionosauruses?” I asked.
“We all had one, they were allowed anywhere!
And no one complained if it growled or whined
For their Opinionosaurus was theirs!”

Then came the day, some new folks moved in
and though they lived across town,
They shouted hatred at our Opinionosauruses
So, we retreated and here’s what we found:

It wasn’t enough for us to agree
They could have their own Opinionosauruses to keep.
But we never suspected their purpose was to force us
to put our Opinionosauruses to sleep.

They screamed and they chanted, they cursed and they cried,
And despite never having said please,
The government caved and our Opinionosaruses were smothered.
The squeaky wheel really does get the grease.

Everyone’s now got a Swasticanese.
They are oddly trained protectors, no doubt.
For most mean guard dogs don’t let bad people in.
But this breed does not let us out.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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