Ala. Democratic Majority uses MLK to raise money, sends out incorrect info on his assassination


Liberals love to claim ownership of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy, in spite of the fact that many of the things they stand for are diametrically opposed to the principles that Dr. King espoused.

It also perturbs Democrats to no end that Republicans will forever hold the mantle as the party of civil rights. The Republican Party was, after all, founded in 1854 as the anti-slavery party. Republicans fought to free blacks from slavery (13 Amendment), grant them citizenship (14th Amendment) and give them the right to vote (15th Amendment). Meanwhile, Democrats fought to block every piece of civil rights legislation for over 100 years, from the 1860s all the way into the mid-20th century.

President Abraham Lincoln, Republican
President Abraham Lincoln, Republican

But all of that is an argument for another day. Today, let’s just try to at least get the facts of Dr. King’s life and untimely death correct.

Enter the unfortunately named “Alabama Democratic Majority.”

The group that sprang up in the wake of the Alabama Democratic Party’s collapse saw a great opportunity to raise a little money on MLK day. So, they sent out an email blast extolling Dr. King’s “ethos” as a “beacon of hope for a better America” right above a giant “Click Here to Donate” link.

But before they got to that part, they mistakenly wrote that Dr. King was killed on a balcony in Nasvhille, when in fact he was assassinated in Memphis.

Now that’s a small mistake, sure. But if you’re going to use a dead American hero’s legacy to pad your group’s pockets, the least you can do is get the barebones facts straight.

Screenshot is below. The group sent out a correction email about a half hour later.


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