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AG Marshall puts CNN, NYT, other media outlets on notice for giving ‘material support’ to terrorists

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall signed a letter along with thirteen other state attorneys’ generals addressed to the leadership of the New York Times, CNN, the Associated Press, and Reuters.

Marshall and the other AGs urged them to “follow the law” when it comes to coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict and putting them “on watch” to ensure they don’t give “material support to terrorists abroad.”

“We will continue to follow your reporting to ensure that your organizations do not violate any federal or State laws by giving material support to terrorists abroad. Now your organizations are on notice. Follow the law,” Marshall and the other AGs wrote in the letter.

“Reporting credibly alleges that some of the individuals that your outlets hire have deep and troubling ties to Hamas–and may have participated in the October 7 attack.”

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“In the wake of those alarming reports, some of you have cut ties with these so-called journalists whose connections to terror groups have become too obvious to hide. Good,” the letter continues. “But one factor in determining whether an organization has provided material support for terrorism is that it be ‘knowing.’”

Marshall appeared on the Fox Business Channel to discuss:

“I think what we saw as a result of the coverage of the events of October 7th was that there was immediacy to the reporting of Hamas activities and we saw it occurring through those that had previously freelanced or worked with several media outlets, and it raises a significant concern not only from a criminal side, when you have statutes on the books, both federal and state level, about material support for terrorist organizations, but also without truly receiving the news and accurate reporting of what’s taking place in the Middle East are in fact receiving propaganda from terrorist organizations.”

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Of particular concern were journalists who work with these news organizations on a contract basis that clearly have deep ties with Hamas and likely had inside information that the October 7 attacks were coming and may even have been participants.

“They clearly were embedded with Hamas when they began their invasion into Israel on October 7th, ultimately taking lives and raping Israeli citizens that day,” Marshall told Fox Business.

Marshall said there was even clear evidence of one of these so-called journalists kissing the mastermind of the October 7 attack on the cheek.

The letter was led by Republican Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird.

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