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AG files motion defending migrant expulsion policy

Last week, a U.S. District judge ruled that the enforcement of Title 42, a rule that allows some migrants to be turned away the border due to the pandemic, be ended by Dec. 21. The judge sided with the American Civil Liberties Union and other immigration advocates who argued that it was not longer necessary as a emergency health measure.

However, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall believes Title 42 needs to stay in place because it’s been an effective tool in handling the growing crisis at the border.

Monday, Marshall and 14 other attorneys general in filing a motion to intervene in a federal lawsuit so a highly successful Trump administration policy restricting illegal immigration can continue to be enforced beyond the court-ordered termination date.

“At the start of the COVID pandemic, the Trump administration invoked Section 265 of Title 42 of U.S. health law to restrict illegal immigrants access to our country,” Marshall said in a news release. “Since Title 42 has been enforced, it has prevented over 1.7 million illegal entries into the U.S, significantly curbing illegal immigration and protecting the health of American citizens.”

The attorney general also said the Biden administration has been ineffective in dealing with the illegal immigration problem.

“Alabama and our partner states filed our motion with U.S. District Court for the District of
Columbia on November 21 to intervene in the federal lawsuit to defend the legal necessity of Title 42 to uphold America’s border security,” he said. “Sadly, just as the Biden administration has demonstrated little interest in defending our national borders, it has shown equally shallow motivation in standing in support of federal rules that would do the same. Our states have no choice but to take up this fight on behalf of America’s security.”

Joining Marshall are attorneys general from Arizona, Alaska, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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