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Aderholt questions AF chief on SPACECOM rumors

U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt directed a question today to Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall – a question that many Alabamians would also probably like to ask themselves.

“Mr. Secretary, let me address this to you,” said Aderholt (R-Haleyville) during a hearing with the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense. “There are some rumors out there that the President may overturn Space Command regarding the basing decision.

“I guess my question is what is your recommendation to the President and why would he [President Biden] overturn that decision?”

Kendall said Biden will not play a role in the review process and final decision.

“Congressman I have no indication that the President is going to do anything with regard to that decision,” said Kendall. “Secretary (of Defense Lloyd) Austin delegated it to me and that’s where it stays today.”

Aderholt then asked Kendall to clarify if he had already given Biden a final recommendation in the selection process for the location.

“I haven’t made a recommendation; I haven’t made a decision. We’re still in the process of doing some analysis,” Kendall said.

Aderholt’s inquiry comes days after The Washington Post published an opinion piece citing various Biden officials’ internal communications on the matter. The communications in question alluded to a possible change in the decision for the final location of SPACECOM.

The congressman said Huntsville is the best location for Space Command and Redstone Arsenal won on the merits during the extensive evaluation process. Meanwhile, Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado was fifth in that process.

Austen Shipley is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News.

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