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Aderholt: ‘Hard to say’ if we’ll even see a vote on impeachment in the House

After the first few days of public impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Robert Aderholt (AL-04) on Tuesday delivered an update to the people of Alabama regarding what he is observing on Capitol Hill.

Aderholt, in a video recorded by his office and sent to Yellowhammer News, reaffirmed “that there is nothing there that is impeachable” against President Donald Trump based on all information he has seen personally or heard about existing.

“As you know, the Democrats from day one have been trying to get rid of this president,” the veteran Republican noted. “They don’t like what he’s doing — they don’t think that he ever should have been elected. So it’s been continuous to try to find something to get him out of office. But, obviously, time and time again they don’t find anything.”

Aderholt then pumped the brakes on the prevailing notion that Democrats will inevitably hold a vote after the impeachment inquiry is completed and indeed impeach Trump.

“I don’t know for sure if we’ll go through an actual impeachment vote. It’s hard to say,” Aderholt advised.

“I think a lot of it — I think some of the Democrats are trying to find a way to get out of it, because they know that there’s nothing that’s impeachable there,” he continued. “But at the same time, there’s so many in the Democrat Party that are the hardliners that want so much to see this president out (of office) that they’re moving forward with it.”

He concluded that the next few weeks of hearings will likely determine whether an actual impeachment vote will eventually be held on the House floor or not.

Aderholt is currently serving his 12th term representing Alabama’s Fourth Congressional District. A senior member of the House GOP, he is a member of the powerful Committee on Appropriations. Aderholt serves as ranking member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science and as a member of the Agriculture and Rural Development Subcommittee and the Defense Subcommittee.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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