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7 Things: Vaccine mandate bans continue to move in the legislature, Tuberville warns that national security is being ignored, election fallout continues as Democrats learn nothing and more …

7.  School system ready to pay $25,000 to change a school’s name

  • The Huntsville City School system is looking to rename Lee High School, which is named for Confederate General Robert E. Lee. The system is going to ask Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall if it’ll be legal to rename the school.
  • Renaming the school without a waiver could be a violation of the Alabama Memorial Preservation Act, but Huntsville City school board attorney Chris Pape has already indicated that the system is prepared to pay the $25,000 fine if the waiver isn’t granted.

6. House Republicans seek to probe “domestic terrorist” memo

  • In a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Republicans from the House of Representatives are asking for more information on the memo that has been widely criticized as a way to intimidate parents and keep them from speaking up at school board meetings since the memo allowed for a threat of FBI investigations.
  • The letter specifies that details should be provided by November 17, specifically the harassment and threats that warranted the memo. U.S. Representative Ralph Norman (R-SC) said that it’s “very alarming to me that the U.S. Department of Justice is being weaponized to target parents who are simply concerned with the well-being of their children.” Norman and U.S. Representatives Nancy Mace (R-SC) and James Comer (R-KY) led the letter.

5. Inflation isn’t getting any better anytime soon

  • U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-Saks) has raised concerns over the economic situation that President Joe Biden seems to be ignoring and only making worse as he pushes for large spending bills that will increase the rate that inflation is rising.
  • Rogers wrote an op-ed where he said, “As we enter the holiday season Biden’s policies are going to hurt Americans at the checkout line.” It’s expected that prices this holiday season could be higher than ever seen before. Rogers added that “skyrocketing inflation and supply chain issues have led to a perfect storm of economic distress.” He noted that the White House has only offered “[t]here will be things that people can’t get.”

4. The ACLU knows more about what is happening than Joe Biden

  • The perpetually confused President of the United States, Joe Biden, found himself caught off-guard by a question that he has been asked before about a subject that has been in the news for weeks — massive payments to illegal immigrants separated from their families at the border.
  • Biden suggested the report was “garbage” but the ACLU stated President Biden “may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department.” They also referred to this issue as a “core campaign promise.” U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) spoke on this issue, calling the potential payments “nothing short of shameful.”

3. Democrats are losing due to education

  • After Republican Glenn Youngkin was declared the winner of the Virginia governor’s race, beating Democrat Terry McAuliffe, U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) said that the main issues Democrats are failing on are issues related to education. Tuberville advised, “We’re not teaching, we’re indoctrinating. It showed last night that the people of Virginia are tired of Critical Race Theory. They’re tired of the oppression pushed on their kids, of the hate. It was a blessing to sore eyes with me.”
  • For some reason, very few on the left want to acknowledge this. President Joe Biden claimed Americans were “upset and uncertain about a lot of things,” meaning education, the economy and the nation’s direction. U.S. Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) said the voters are telling Democrats, “Hey, you guys got the White House, the Senate, the House. When are you going to get more things done?” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) agreed and is seeking commitments from Democrats by this morning on the pending legislation to spend trillions that could happen Friday.

2. Democrats ignoring national defense

  • During a press conference for the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) addressed how Democrats have ignored defense spending by not voting on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), saying, “They care nothing about National Defense – it’s obvious.”
  • Tuberville went on to say that Democrats “care nothing about our military – it’s obvious. But we need to step up to the plate.” He also brought up how the United States has continued to decrease defense spending while other countries, such as China, have only increased theirs, as well as mentioning that the vaccine mandate could impact national security in how it could delay work on important missile defense and offense projects. He added, “[W]e better wake up and smell hypersonic missiles because that’s a huge problem coming our way from China and Russia.”

1. Anti-vaccine mandate legislation approved by a State House committee

  • While the redistricting work is boring and done, the legislation by State Senator Arthur Orr (R-Decatur) has already passed the State Senate and now has been approved by the House Health Committee to address the vaccine mandate set out by President Joe Biden. The legislation would prevent people from being denied services due to their vaccination status.
  • The second piece of legislation that was approved was SB9 from State Senator Chris Elliott (R-Daphne), and despite pushback from the Business Council of Alabama, the bill has still received support. The bill would allow employees to seek medical and religious exemptions, and if employers wish to dispute the exemptions, they’d have to file a claim with the Department of Labor, who would make the final judgment.

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