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7 Things: Trump admits Michael Cohen represented him in pornstar matter, Ivey and Battle stop fighting each other to go to Japan, Bill Cosby is a convicted sexual assaulter, and more …

1. President Donald Trump admits to hiring Michael Cohen to deal with Stormy Daniels, Cohen pleads “the fifth

— After months of denying, official denials, and obvious hedging Trump finally admits he hired Cohen to deal with the payout details to silence pornstar Stormy Daniels on “Fox & Friends”.

— Michael Cohen, who everyone is telling us is about to “flip”, is refusing to cooperate with investigators in this matter because he says it will affect an investigation into his business, which is NOT Russian collusion.

2. Gov. Kay Ivey and Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle face off at home, but went to Japan together to fight for Alabama

— Sitting next to each other at meals, the two had discussions with Japanese political and business leaders about Alabama’s political climate.

— While in Japan, Toyota-Mazda announced that they would begin construction on their plant in Huntsville on October 1st.

3. “America’s Dad” is now a convicted sexual assaulter

— 80-year-old Bill Cosby faces up to 30 years in jail for 3 counts related to drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home in 2004.

— Meanwhile, another American “institution” is accused,Tom Brokaw has been accused of sexual harassment.

4. South Korea and North Korea hold a historic summit that NO ONE thought was possible

— The two Koreas are ready to pursue denuclearization- this conversation alone would get President Barack Obama three Nobel Prizes.

— President Donald Trump told “Fox and Friends” that he is ready to meet with Kim, but still held out that the meeting may not happen.

5. Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks believes multiple assassination threats are forcing Congressmen into retirement

— Congressman Brooks and other Republicans were shot at last year in an attack that almost killed House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and injured two capitol police.

— Brooks believes that attack and the many threats since then against House Republicans have helped push some lawmakers to resign.

6. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is signifying that the Trump-Russia probe is out of control

— While defending his decision not to appoint another special counsel to investigate the DOJ, Sessions said “I do not think we need to willy-nilly appoint special counsels,” and “As we can see, it can really take on a life of its own.”

— Sessions has been relentlessly criticized by Republicans, but he did appoint a federal prosecutor from Utah, John Huber, to investigate claims of FBI and DOJ abuse of a surveillance program.

7. The #bluewave shows signs of running out of steam; leadership attempts to stop more extreme candidates

— If the Democrats are so sure they are about to take over Congress, they aren’t acting like it. They are currently trying to force candidates from the far-left to drop out of races.

— Now progressives are calling for Congressman Steny Hoyer to resign after a secret recording showed him pressuring a Colorado House candidate to drop out was made public.

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