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7 Things: Dozens of questions for President Trump, Roy Moore isn’t going anywhere, Alabama Democrats look to the past, and more …

1. In a move that shocks no one, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s questions for Trump have “leaked

— Mueller’s questions hit on Trump-Russia, his family, Moscow real estate deals, Jeff Sessions, the firing of James Comey, and more.

— President Trump says the release of the questions for him is “disgraceful“; he would be nuts to sit down for this.

2. Roy Moore is not going away, claims a conspiracy cost him the U.S. Senate race

— Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore said Monday that he is filing a lawsuit against four women, one man and 19 unnamed defendants he claims engaged in a political conspiracy against him.

— The unproven allegations no doubt had an impact on Roy Moore’s chances in the 2017 election, but Sen. Richard Shelby, Mitch McConnell, and 50% of Donald Trump voters who didn’t show up to vote actually cost him the election.

3. Alabama Democrats are offering a retread of failed ideas, now the presumed front-runner touts a loser’s endorsement

— As Alabama’s media tries to figure out if Democrats really have a chance in 2018, facts say they don’t.

— Tusacloosa mayor Walt Maddox, who is running on a slew of old Democrat ideas, received the endorsement of Ron Sparks, “one of the most popular Democrats in recent Alabama political history,” who got slaughtered by Robert Bentley in 2010 by a 57.6-41.9 margin.

4. While President Trump is making progress on North Korea, Barack Obama’s Iran deal is falling apart

— Standing in front of a screen that at times read “Iran lied” in huge letters, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out a case that Iran has been continuing their nuclear program.

— We already knew the previous administration lied to sell their deal, now the whole world knows it too.

5. The United States is going to charge lawbreakers with breaking the law

— 11 possible member of the migrant caravan may have entered the U.S. and they are being charged.

— Two Salvadorans, six Hondurans, and three Guatemalans face charges, all face misdemeanors except for one who entered the country after being deported, a felony charge.

6. The kids from Parkland and the Associated Press team up to spread incorrect information about the National Rifle Association

— In what has become a common trope every time a political figure speaks to the NRA, the Parkland survivors, who can’t be fact checked, and the Associated Press repeated the false story that the NRA banned guns from their convention.

— The Weekly Standard found that it wasn’t the NRA but the Secret Service who banned “guns (along with selfie sticks, backpacks, drones, and a list of other items) from Pence’s speech at the NRA convention in Dallas; just as the Secret Service did during Trump’s appearance at the NRA convention last year and the Republican National Convention the year before that.”

7. The #bluewave continues to run into problems; now they have lost some young people and the Clintons are back

— The blue wave looks like a real thing on social media, but polls continue to show slowing momentum with millennials and a nine point slip in the polls tied to the Republicans handling of the economy.

— While the party tries to look forward, the Clintons say they will be making more appearances, this includes the accomplishment-less Chelsea Clinton.

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