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7 Things: Rogers likens Biden to Jimmy Carter, Tuberville says migrants are being flown to Alabama and more …

7. ISIS coming back is becoming more likely

  • According to acting State Department coordinator for Counterterrorism Timothy Betts, there is an “ongoing security and humanitarian threat” in Syria as there are anywhere from 4,000 to 5,000 non-Syrian fighters, including some Americans, being held in the area.

  • Betts also said that the longer there were non-Syrians held in the area, ISIS would have increased chances to “leverage local support to train and reorganize.” He added, “We believe the balance of risk is far greater leaving our nationals under the same kinds of tenuous circumstances that have led to previous prison breaks than if we developed a secure and structured way to remove them from an area of active conflict.”

6. Push for public health emergency declaration is growing

  • In a letter to President Joe Biden, 83 Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives have asked that he declare a public health emergency, saying that the recent decision to overturn Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization by the U.S. Supreme Court was “radical and dangerous.”

  • In the letter, Democrats went on to say, “Abortion bans can unnecessarily impede lifesaving medical procedures in the event of pregnancy complications or loss. Health experts warn that in the aftermath of this disastrous ruling, the U.S. maternal mortality rate – which is already the highest in the developed world – is certain to rise, with disproportionate impacts on communities of color.”

5. Merrill pushes back against voter suppression claims

  • Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate in Alabama Will Boyd has claimed through his campaign website that there was widespread voter suppression in the state. Boyd argued that there was a “discrepancy between the # of eligible black voters reported by AL & the same # reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. Voter suppression is real & must end!”

  • Boyd claimed that the U.S. Census Bureau only reported 67.4% of eligible black voters were registered in the state, but Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill advised that it was closer to 96%. Merrill responded to the claim, saying, “Disappointing when candidates or ignorant advocacy groups elect to include people who are not eligible to be registered voters in their percentages. Unfortunately, this is only done to try to draw attention to fledgling campaigns that will never gain traction.”

4. Space Command is finally coming to Huntsville

  • The Environmental Impact Study on the U.S. Space Command coming to Huntsville’s Redstone Arsenal has been released by the U.S. Air Force, confirming that Huntsville was the correct pick. The report stated the move would have “no significant impacts on human or natural environment.”

  • U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) said the report “is a welcomed result, but it’s not surprising.” Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle declared, “The due diligence in the Space Command selection process confirms Redstone Arsenal as the right choice. We look forward to collaborating with our national space partners to keep our country safe.”

3. Immigration issues at the border are just going to get worse

  • As illegal immigrants stream across the border and reports emerge of a 10-year-old being impregnated by a man in the country illegally, President Joe Biden recently met with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The Mexican president called for the American government to “regularize and give certainty to migrants that for years have lived and worked in a very honest manner.” This is also known as amnesty.

  • Former director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Holman warned that this was all code for a “pathway to citizenship,” and he argued that it would signal to Central American governments to send its citizens towards the border to take advantage of any potential amnesty, as they traditionally do when these items are discussed.

2. Alabama is facing an invasion, according to Tuberville

  • U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) reacted to reports that immigrants from the southern border have been flown to Alabama, with Tuberville replying, “We’re being invaded. We all know that.” The flights are coming here and have for a while. Alabama Media Group reports, “Kim Hunt, public information officer with the Birmingham Airport Authority, said Customs and Border Protection charters flights into Birmingham.”

  • Tuberville went on to say, “The Biden administration has no clue about a border or how to protect the border and how to protect the American people.” Tuberville also stated that he has “ridden a commercial airliner with half of the plane with illegal immigrants on the plane, headed to different parts of the country.”

1. Jimmy Carter 2.0 – stagnation and senility

  • Due to the Consumer Price Index increasing to 9.1%, U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-Saks) has compared President Joe Biden’s current term and administration to that of former President Jimmy Carter, saying that he remembered “the gas lines and the inflation and how insufferable it was, and frankly, that’s the situation we’re in right now.”

  • While Rogers called this “unfortunate for our nation,” he went on to add that after Carter, “it took Ronald Reagan two years to pull us out of that economic ditch, and then we had 10 years of incredible prosperity…while we will get the House and the Senate in the November elections… it’s still going to be a tough haul to get us out of this situation.”

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