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7 Things: Ivey sees a lottery in the state’s future, Democrats love guns even though the NRA doesn’t love them back, poor Hillary Clinton can’t go away and more …

7. A socialist has won a city council seat in Alabama

— Liberal Huntsville activist Frances Akridge defeated former Superintendent and State School Board member Mary Jane Caylor who called Akridge a “tax-and-spend liberal who supports Bernie Sanders and avowed socialists…”

— Her opponent highlighted the donations that Akridge gave to Bernie Sanders and other “radical left-wing candidates” in a non-partisan election that had 17 percent turnout.

6. Fear not, Kanye West will be at the White House today

— After saying he liked musician Taylor Swift “25 percent less” following her endorsement of two Democrats, President Donald Trump welcomes rapper and Trump super-fan Kanye West to the White House for dinner.

— West will meet with the president and his son-in-law to discuss job opportunities for ex-cons and how to bring more manufacturing jobs to Chicago.

5. Hurricane Michael is giving illegal immigrants a reprieve 

— The spokesperson for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) told the media that illegals have no fear of enforcement. He said, “In consideration of these circumstances, there will be no immigration enforcement initiatives associated with evacuations or sheltering related to Michael, except in the event of a serious public safety threat.”

— The pretend narrative here is that illegals won’t ask for help because they fear ICE will arrest and deport them and, as a result, they will end up being hurt by the storm.

4. United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley resigns and surprises everyone but President Trump

— President Trump praised Haley’s job performance after accepting her resignation, saying, “She’s done a fantastic job and we’ve done a fantastic job together. We’ve solved a lot of problems and we’re in the process of solving a lot of problems.” He added that he has known about her desire to resign for six months.

— As the media does with every departure, they stop attacking Haley and declare her “one of the adults.” Potential successors include Republican Sen. Bob Corker and Trump’s former deputy national security adviser, Dina Powell.

3. Hillary Clinton can’t go away

— The multi-time failure of a presidential candidate feels like she has to insert herself in every single hot-button political issue. Clinton argued that civility is overrated, stating, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about”

— Clinton declared civility can return, but only when her team has power. She said, “I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

2. Alabama Democrats love guns in election years, but the rhetoric is hollow

— Democrats across the state are declaring themselves “pro-Second Amendment” or posing with firearms in an election year tradition of pandering to people you clearly don’t like. Both Democratic gubernatorial candidate Walt Maddox and Congressional candidate Tabitha Isner have taken this route this week.

— The National Rifle Association isn’t buying much of this act as they are rating another Alabama Democratic candidate, Mallory Hagan, with an “F” rating, which means, she is a “true enemy of gun owners’ rights,” and “a consistent anti-gun candidate who always opposes gun owners’ rights and/or actively leads anti-gun legislative efforts, or sponsors anti-gun legislation.”

1. Governor Kay Ivey continues to say she won’t stand in the way of a lottery

— In what is clearly her most pro-lottery statement yet, Governor Kay Ivey made it clear that she expects a lottery to be proposed very early on in the 2019 legislative session. She thinks it could pass “if it’s a pure and simple plain lottery, just a real simple sure-enough plain lottery.”

— Ivey didn’t get into where the lottery money should go, but she warned against funding essential services, explaining, “There’s a principle in public policy that says never fund an essential service of government with an unstable source of funding. So, you’ve got to be careful what you do with the money.”

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