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7 Things: Gambling and unionization fights go on; Ukraine and Israel wars do, too; and more …

7. It is probably too late to hold off library-related legislation in the Alabama Legislature but some libraries are trying to be reasonable. For instance, the Orange Beach Public Library has implemented a policy giving parents ultimate control over their child’s book selections, requiring permission slips with four accessibility levels. Mayor Tony Kennon stated the new policy aligns with the city’s commitment to maintaining a family-friendly atmosphere. At least one parent derisively asked about whether we need a slip for the Internet and the Legislature might tell her “yes.”

6. Yesterday, Democrats in Alabama’s newly-drawn Secon Congressional District were fighting over residency, now Republicans are sparring over opioid addiction and Caroleene Dobson has receipts showing former State Sen. Dick Brewbaker really missed the opioid epidemic. Dobson’s campaign asserts that Brewbaker prioritized the comfort of incarcerated felons over combating the opioid epidemic, referencing remarks suggesting the crisis was a distraction and a “good safe crisis.” 

5. Alabama’s U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) advocates for respectful political discourse, urging leaders to “disagree agreeably” to secure the country’s future, she emphasizes the importance of building relationships based on trust and respect, even with those holding opposing political views, citing her friendship with Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) as an example. Britt believes fostering more civil discourse can lead to better solutions for the nation, but it is unclear if people really want our politicians to be nicer even though we say we do?

4. President Joe Biden is bumbling his way through the Israel-Hamas war because he is trying to win the state of Michigan by placating anti-Semites over Americans who are currently being held hostage or who have been slaughtered already. Biden’s call for a “ceasefire” from Israel, that Hamas will not honor, is irresponsible and silly but according to the White House, “[Biden] made clear that US policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel’s immediate action on these steps.”

3. U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks) is calling his Republican colleagues “ignorant” and “stupid” for pushing back against more spending on Ukraine as a fight is brewing in Washington, D.C., on the matter over border funding (and other issues). Rogers, the chair of the House Armed Services Committee, indicated that while supplemental funding for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan is possible, border funding lacks sufficient support this year. 

2. The back and forth over the UAW unionization threat is not going well for Alabama. U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks) and Gov. Kay Ivey responded to the attacks she received by the United Autoworkers Union, with the governor saying, “This threat from Detroit has no interest in seeing the people of Alabama succeed, our OEMs succeed, and in turn, the state to succeed like we are now.” The organizers of the union struck back, “It’s sad that our governor thinks so little of Alabama workers, that we’re only good for cheap labor,” said Jeremy Kimbrell with the Mercedes workers. 

1. The Alabama House of Representatives rejected the Senate’s gaming substitute, opting to send the gambling bill to a conference committee. The fight over this is simple, both sides want the lottery but the House wants casinos and it is clear that Alabama State Senate is not going to budge on that issue.

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Dale Jackson is a thought leader for Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 5-9 a.m. weekdays on WVNN, Talk 99.5 and News Radio 1440 from 10-11 a.m., and on Talk Radio 103.9 FM/730AM WUMP from 3-4 p.m.

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