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7 Things: Disgraced former FBI Agent Peter Strzok finally fired, 70 percent of Americans want the Mueller probe over, Rep. Mike Rogers says the Space Force is no joke and more …

7. A Mexican restaurant in Houston is under fire for daring to serve Attorney General Jeff Sessions

— El Tiempo Cantina posted a photo of Sessions and its owner on social media. It was immediately attacked for serving the AG. Eventually, the restaurant apologized for posting the photo and shut down their social media accounts.

— American liberals have decided that serving food to the wrong people is a crime punishable by loss of your livelihood in 2018

6. Alabama Senator Doug Jones makes absolutely no one happy with his incoherence on President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee

— Sen. Jones appeared at a town hall in Birmingham and the issue of Brett Kavanaugh arose. Jones seems to be hanging his hat on the fact that he can’t read his notes from his time in the Bush administration and therefore just can’t decide what to do on this vote.

— Conservatives continue to pressure Jones to make his position known. Meanwhile, a Democrat at this town hall heckled Jones and then threw a pair of plush lips at him telling him to “Kiss my ass” if he votes to confirm.

5. Democrats continue embracing socialism while thinking less of capitalism

— The Democratic Party’s embrace of socialism is nothing new. Fifty-seven percent of Democrats view socialism positively, which has changed little since 2010. Only 16 percent of Republicans view socialism positively.

— The party’s view of capitalism continues to decline with only 46 percent viewing the American economic system positively.

4. Governor Kay Ivey continues to talk about issues while her opponent talks about debates

— Gov. Ivey’s focus on education and business matters, she touts investment in pre-K and that Alabama was named the nation’s “Best Business Climate” in the nation.

— Democrat nominee, and former AEA field representative, Walt Maddox continues to release videos about a debate that is just never going to happen.

3. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks) makes it clear that Trump and Congress are serious about the Space Force

— While the idea of the Space Force has been mocked because it is an idea from the Trump administration, Alabama’s Rogers believes this new agency is very important. He said, “China set up their own separate space service a year and a half ago, and Russia reorganized before that — we are way behind the curve on it”.

— Rogers drove the point home that space is important to our war-fighting capabilities, saying, “People have to understand that we have become heavily dependent on space to fight and win wars, that’s our eyes and ears for the military.”

2. Sixty-six percent of Americans want the Mueller probe wrapped up

— Polling released this morning show that Americans want special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation wrapped up. This crosses party lines with Democrats and Republicans wanting it over for different reasons.

— The poll also shows 70 percent of Americans think Trump should testify “if asked.” Only 34 percent approve of how Trump has handled this investigation, and Trump’s approval rating is now at 42 percent (higher than Reagan, Clinton and Carter at this point).

1. Embattled FBI Agent Peter Strzok becomes the latest official fired by the FBI

— While the focus is on the anti-Trump e-mails that the agent sent to his lover, there are other issues including him sending a sensitive search warrant to his personal e-mail account, and he made the decision to drag his feet to examine new e-mails related to the Clinton investigation.

— The FBI clearly had some issues in their handling of these investigations in late 2016, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) pointed out how disastrous that period has been for the FBI with a tweet that laid bare all the discipline issues within the FBI with former Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe being fired, Chief Counsel James Baker and FBI Counsel Lisa Page being demoted. All of these issues stemmed from the Clinton/Trump investigations.

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