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7 Things: Crimson tide rising on economic dissatisfaction, Doug Jones defends denier, and more …

7. Media gets their Trump vs. DeSantis storyline, thanks to Trump

  • Former President Donald Trump goes to a swing state, Pennsylvania, and attacks… Biden? Fetterman? Democrats? Liberals? Yes, but the most media attention went to “Ron DeSanctimonious” a name used to mock Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is a popular governor up for re-election and traveling the country helping swing state Republicans.
  • Reportedly, this was spurred on by the suggestion that DeSantis was working with anti-Trump Republicans to stop Trump, who is probably running for president. DeSantis’ camp says this story is untrue. Trump then would tell voters to vote for DeSantis on Sunday. The media loves it.

6. Political intimidation hits the trail

  • A supporter of U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) was choked while holding a “vote them out sign” with a picture of his opponent, New York Gov. Kathleen Hochul. A photo in the New York Post captured the moment.
  • In Arizona, Republican candidate for governor Kari Lake’s office was shut down and the FBI was called after an envelope was delivered to her office with a suspicious white powder in it. As of now, no one has asked her opponent if she feels responsible for the incident. Lake was asked repeatedly if she was responsible for a break-in by an illegal immigrant last month.

5. Alabama and Auburn lose in overtime, dashing hopes in different ways

  • The Alabama Crimson Tide’s hope to reach the College Football Playoff took a big hit losing to No. 10 LSU in Baton Rogue during an overtime nail-bitter 32-31. They still have a chance but will need a lot of help to get there.
  • Auburn wishes it had those problems as their interim head coach Carnell “Cadillac” Williams’ debut was looking like a rout against Mississippi State before the Tigers came back and then lost in overtime 39-33. The Florida Gators are still unranked.

4. Joe Biden promises to make the energy issues worse, then lies about it

  • President Joe Biden’s war on American energy is really the only thing he has done well, so it should come as no surprise that he claimed he would be “shuttering coal plants” if he has his way. U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) called this kind of talk “disgusting” and “divorced from reality.”
  • While Manchin demanded an apology and Biden, being a pathological liar, sent out a press release suggesting his very clear words were twisted. Obviously, this is not true.

3. U.S. asks Ukraine to be reasonable

  • At the outset of the war Russia declared and has carried out on Ukraine, the Americans and the world suggested that giving Russia part of Ukraine was going to be tough, even knowing that Russia would keep going until it got what it wanted. Now the Americans are wanting Ukraine to make a deal.
  • This comes after progressive Democrats sent a letter to President Joe Biden suggesting this and then retracted it. Republicans have suggested the days of blank checks to Ukraine are over and Ukraine’s allies appear to want to end now. Russia was always going to get what it wanted here, most people (Putin included) knew that the world was not prepared to actually stop them.

2. Doug Jones and AL Dems VP support election denier candidate

  • After Yellowhammer News drew attention to the candidate for State House District 25 Mallory Hagan’s attempts to undo the 2016 election and this commentator highlighted the hypocrisy of Democrats’ stance on “election deniers,” former U.S. Sen. Doug Jones (D-Mountain Brook) and x came to her defense.
  • Jones hilariously wrote to the hilariously sad blogger Josh Moon that, “consistency in values for Alabama’s GOP always gives way to political expediency” which is exactly what is being called out. No one should care what Hagan, (Democrats’ vice chair Tabitha) Isner, Moon or Jones think about anything, but if Alabama Democrats are going to rail against election deniers, they shouldn’t have them on the ballot.

1. One day before an election, Democrats’ bleeding worsens

  • In one of the last polls before the election, Democrats continue to find themselves confounded that the message of abortions for all, drag queens for kids and jail cells for Jan. 6 are not working. An ABC poll finds that voters prefer Republicans on the economy 52-38, inflation 50-38 and crime 54-34.
  • An NBC News poll finds that 81% of Americans are unhappy with the economy, the second-highest number of voters feeling that way since 2010. For a reminder, 2010’s midterms found Republicans pick up 63 House seats and 7 Senate seats. There is one positive note, however, for Democrats, that same poll found Democrats matching Republicans on enthusiasm.

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