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7 Things: Another Trump indictment after Biden issue; SecDef blasts Tuberville; and more …

7. You knew it was coming, the “experts” are declaring that former President Donald Trump is breaking court rules and should be held in contempt. At issue is Monday’s tweets calling the judge, “highly partisan” and “very biased & unfair,” which seem pretty accurate.

6. Alabama’s largest school system is arming-up and could be adding 12 armed deputies to the staff. More of this.

5. U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks) has two messages for his adversaries: First, America will not be intimidated by Russia and China. Secondly, the fight for Space Command headquarters is NOT over, and he wants President Joe Biden, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark A. Milley, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to “clean this up.”

4. President Joe Biden issues a weird “no comment” to the super-hard question about the rising death toll on Maui but, fear not, Karine Jean-Pierre tried to clean it up. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump ripped Biden’s trademark callousness: “It is a disgraceful thing that Joe Biden refuses to help or comment on the tragedy in Maui, just as he refused to help or comment on the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.”

3. Odd day for redistricting judges in Alabama who seemed to be grilling Republican lawmakers to signal where this is all going. The judges will strike down the maps and draw their own, and off to the Supreme Court we go.

2. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin declared that U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) was harming national security by asking the Pentagon to follow the law. This attack was echoed by the Pentagon, the national media, local media, and liberal attack groups. No one can explain how it actually harms national security.

1. As predicted, former President Donald Trump was indicted again, so have 18 other people, one workday after President Joe Biden was given some bad-ish news with the appointment of a special counsel to look into his crackhead son. The fix was in, always was.

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Dale Jackson is a thought leader for Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 5-9 a.m. weekdays on WVNN and on Talk 99.5 from 10 a.m. to noon.

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