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7 Things: Americans want Biden impeached, Alabama climbing the vaccination ladder, Brooks rejects calls for his phone records and more …

7. The American left had a bad day

  • In spite of the absurdity of the notion that Texas has been on the cusp of going blue for the last 10 years, the media and their Democrats can’t seem to grasp that Texas is allowed to govern itself, which means it controls its elections and access to abortion in the state.
  • Conservative legal scholars and voters have argued for years that Roe v. Wade was mistakenly decided, and the “failure” of the Supreme Court to take up their liberal pet projects has sent the left off the edge. References to “The Handmaids Tale” (the only book they have read in the last 10 years) and references to the “American Taliban” filled social media as others suggested women should practice responsible birth control and that men should be responsible partners, which conservatives are fine with.

6. Huntsville city councilman wants bodycam footage to be made public

  • In Huntsville, there’s a new push from City Councilman John Meredith to make bodycam footage from the Huntsville Police Department public in some cases public. This was an issue during the case of former officer William Ben Darby, who was convicted of murdering Jeffery Parker recently.
  • Meredith said, “It’s time to take another look at a public policy regarding bodycam release.” Darby’s bodycam footage wasn’t released until well after his conviction and only after Madison County Circuit Judge Donna Pate ordered that it be released to news outlets. There was a push to release the footage for three years.

5. Brooks slams the request for his phone records in January 6 investigation

  • Despite there being no evidence that the riot on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol was an “insurrection” caused by U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) or any other Republican members of Congress, the House Select Committee has continued its investigation as if it was. Recently, there has been a push from the committee to get Brooks and other Republicans’ phone records.
  • Brooks said that he would not willingly turn over his phone records to the committee and asked, “What right does this Gestapo, KGB-like entity have to investigate the personal information and communications of myself with my family members, my grandchildren, things of that nature?” Brooks added that he doesn’t want communications about his U.S. Senate campaign and personal conversations being released, saying that he hates “the idea that they’re trying to turn this into a police state.”

4. Alabama is last no more — take that, Mississippi

  • Cases are still going up way too fast, but Alabamians are getting vaccinated more quickly than in the past, and because that is happening, we are no longer last. Alabama has passed Mississippi with 38.3% of the residents fully vaccinated while Mississippi has 37.7% fully vaccinated.
  • Alabama has 49.8% with at least one vaccine shot, placing it ahead of Idaho, Mississippi, Wyoming, West Virginia, North Dakota and Louisiana. But there is some bad news — as coronavirus cases go up, so have hospitalizations. Now, the state is starting to see a strain on Intensive Care Unit beds available, with less than 10% of ICU beds available in the state. 

3. State Rep. Brown: People should be able to opt-out of mask mandates

  • State Representative Chip Brown (R-Mobile) has sponsored a bill that would allow parents to opt-out of mask mandates at schools across the state. The way they would opt-out of the mandates for their children would be through sending a written notice to their school or school board. Brown is sponsoring another bill that would require parents to authorize their child being vaccinated if they’re 18 and younger, instead of the current 14 and younger.
  • This authority would be applied to all school-related mask mandates. Brown said that the mandates tell “parents their supervision of their children doesn’t matter,” adding that the bill “goes back to who’s raising the child…parents should have the right to opt-out if they want to opt-out.”

2. Trump was impeached for doing this

  • Recent reports have shown that President Joe Biden allegedly tried to push Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani to support a “perception” that the Taliban wasn’t winning, and during their 14-minute phone call, Biden said, “[T]here is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”
  • During the phone call, Biden reportedly encouraged Ghani to hold a press conference with other political figures from the country, saying, “[T]hat will change perception, and that will change an awful lot I think.” As the Taliban was invading, Ghani fled the country. The White House has refused to deny the reports that Biden pushed for this.

1. Americans are over Biden

  • President Joe Biden’s poll numbers are cratering after his handling of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, the death of 13 service members, and the abandonment of American citizens and our allies. Implying he had no choice, blaming President Donald Trump, talking about his son and touting how many refugees we are bringing to the U.S. is not helping him either.
  • Biden’s favorability is down to across the board, as 38% of Americans approve of how Biden handled Afghanistan, even though a majority wanted it over; 59% disapprove. This is hurting him overall as well, with his disapproval topping his approval for the first time. In addition to becoming wildly unpopular, currently, 52% of Americans want President Biden to resign and 60% want him impeached.

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