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Hate Mail of the Week

George Wallace Snake Haters

“Hate Mail of the Week” is a weekly feature on Yellowhammer Politics in which some of the hate mail submitted through our contact page is published exactly as it was received. The only edits made are to remove expletives — this is a family show, after all.

If you feel like you hate this site, or me, more than the people below — you’re welcome to share your thoughts and feelings here. But at least be creative.

Name: Enough Already

Email: [email protected]

Comments: This site is good for two things. #1: kissing the GOP’s [expletive] and #2: Making up some [expletive] about the AEA. Are you honestly going to sit here and try to convince people that executives from the AEA sit around in a dark room somewhere hatching a plan to convince people that Muslims are going to takeover our schools? The AEA has millions of dollars yet they spend their time buying ads on Farmville? I’m sorry but this [expletive] is so pathetic I can’t believe I’m wasting 5 minutes of my life typing this.

Here’s an idea. Why don’t you, Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, and the Roswell alien get together over tea with the Mad Hatter and come up with a way to stop Henry Mabry and George Soros from locking us all in FEMA camps.

The AEA doesn’t want money taken away from public schools. You’d probably privatize the entire planet if you could. It’s just a different philosophy. Give it a rest and give the AEA a break.

Name: Educator

Email: [email protected]

Comments: You want to go to war with teachers? That’s fine with us. The AEA represents the people who are raising the next generation of Alabamians. An attack on us is tantamount to an attack on this state’s children and people around this state are not going to stand for it. Why do you think Bradley Byrne isn’t Governor? Because we will not accept someone who so viciously tries to tear down the social fabric and value structure that public school teachers have sacrificed to build.

Republicans may have rode the anti-Obama wave in 2010 but if he loses in 2012, what are you going to do in 2014? The irony is that you better hope Obama wins. Because if he doesn’t, we’re going to be coming for you in 2014 and there’s no amount of partisan lying, gerrymandering, or attacks that will be able to hold us back.

Name: A Blessing

Email: [witheld by request]

Comments: Your family is a family of faith. Your father has served the Lord in churches for your entire life. Yet somehow your family’s integrity was not passed to you. I pray that you will seek wisdom and stop your senseless rhetoric against our state’s educators. As Matthew said, “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” I welcome a dialogue if you are willing. However, If you chose to publish this note, please do not include my email.

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