I was blessed with the opportunity to represent Alabama as a delegate at this year’s Republican National Convention, alongside my dad. It was an experience I will never forget and one I feel changed America, the Party, many undecided voters and even some in the media.
When I tell you I believe this presidential campaign is a war between a Washington insider and a New York businessman, it’s probably not difficult to figure out which one I’m backing.
But why am I — a young, college-educated Christian woman — supporting Donald J. Trump? After all, the media says my demographics should make me a Bernie-loving, Hillary-backing liberal, right?
But I’m not.
I am a Trump voter, and a proud one at that.
My main reason for supporting Mr. Trump is that I want to preserve my constitutional rights. You know, the ones we are promised as American citizens. The same ones Mrs. Clinton is openly campaigning on taking away, if elected.
The next President is guaranteed to make at least one lifetime appointment to the United States Supreme Court and has the possibility of making three or four more in the next four-to-eight years.
It was the courts, not Congress, that took away prayer in schools. It was the courts, not Congress that gave us Roe v. Wade. The courts have done more to infringe upon the rights of Christians than anything or anyone in recent history.
These next appointments are vital. They will affect my life, my future children’s lives, and one day even the lives of my grandchildren. Needless to say, we as Christians need to think carefully about who will make these lifetime appointments to the highest court in the land.
Mrs. Clinton has promised to appoint Supreme Court justices that will erode our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms — the same amendment that was put in place to protect American citizens from a tyrannical government…
The irony.
Without the right to bear arms, we lose our ability to protect any and all rights enshrined in the Constitution of the United States, including freedom of speech, religion and press.
We also lose our right to protect ourselves and our families from criminals, which by definition, have no regard for the law. Gun control makes the law abiding citizens “sitting ducks” in a land of armed criminals.
On the other hand, Donald Trump received the early endorsement of the National Rifle Association and promises to protect the 2nd Amendment by appointing Supreme Court Justices who respect the Constitution.
That alone was reason enough for me to climb aboard the Trump Train.
And then there is immigration. It has become a controversial subject, but Donald Trump isn’t running from it and neither should we.
Mrs. Clinton is calling for an increase in the amount of Syrian refugees that are allowed in the United States, even though the FBI Director testified before Congress that we have no way to vet them.
Undoubtedly hidden among these refugees are members of the so called Islamic State. And would you care to guess what groups they will be targeting when they get here?
The same ones they are targeting around the world: Christians and the LGBTQ community.
Mrs. Clinton is not fighting for either of those communities, instead she is fighting to make it easier for the very terrorists who want to see them disappear to come to the United States.
Meanwhile, Trump has promised to protect all Americans, regardless of their race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.
Ask yourself: do you want another Orlando? Munich? Paris? New York? Boston? Paris?
I don’t.
I want a President who will prioritize the safety of Americans, even if that means making tough, politically-incorrect decisions, because that is the job of the President — to protect American lives and uphold the Constitution of the United States.
These reasons are just the tip of the iceberg of why I am supporting Donald Trump, even though the media want you to believe everyone in my generation is “Feeling the Bern.” I didn’t even get into the economy, the national debt, the liberal war on the American Dream, Benghazi, Israel relations, sanctuary cities, veterans, racial issues, police issues, abortion or taxes.
America is one nation under God. We need to start acting like it.
Please, Christian community, pray for our nation. Pray for Donald Trump. Pray for his family, because politics is a family business. Pray for fellow voters. Pray without ceasing.
“…Rejoice at all times. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.…” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17