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WATCH: Saban enjoying retirement on a boogie board in Florida

Former Alabama head coach Nick Saban is clearly enjoying his retirement.

Shortly after Saban’s announcement, his daughter Kristen in a Q&A said one of the things she was most looking forward to was spending time with the whole family together.

In a video posted to Kristen’s Twitter account, Saban was seen enjoying a boogie board session on the beach, presumably in Florida at their new house.

While Saban’s boogie board skills clearly leave something to be desired, seeing this side of the coach is something Alabama fans have to look forward to in his retirement.

Perhaps the ocean tide saw a rare opportunity to roll over Saban in the wake of 17 years of Saban’s Tide rolling over opponents.

After being in coaching for nearly half a century and winning seven national championships as a head coach, Saban has certainly earned some time to relax and enjoy his family.

Kristen recently rejoined Twitter following the retirement of her father after a long hiatus from the social media platform, hopefully leading to more content such as this of the legendary head coach.

Michael Brauner is a Senior Sports Analyst and Contributing Writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @MBraunerWNSP

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