In an appearance this week on The View, Alabama native Condoleezza Rice explained to the ladies why she supports the Second Amendment and remains against gun registration, and it has to do with growing up in Alabama.
Here’s her story:
— “I was a little girl growing up in Birmingham, Alabama, in the late fifties, early sixties, there was no way that Bull Connor and the Birmingham Police were going to protect you.”
— “And so when White Knight Riders would come through our neighborhood, my father and his friends would take their guns and they’d go to the head of the neighborhood, it’s a little cul-de-sac and they would fire in the air, if anybody came through.”
— “I don’t think they actually ever hit anybody. But they protected the neighborhood. And I’m sure if Bull Connor had known where those guns were he would have rounded them up.”
— “And so, I don’t favor some things like gun registration.”
Watch the video here:
You can’t argue with that.
(J. Pepper Bryars is the editor of Yellowhammer News and the author of “American Warfighter.”)