Unlock Huntsville career opportunities with ASmartPlace.com

The Huntsville/Madison County Chamber announced a new, revamped portion of ASmartPlace.com: Smart Careers.

The portal can help job seekers to pursue career paths in four targeted industries: Advanced manufacturing, information technology, construction, and healthcare.  

ASmartPlace is encouraging opportunities in industries that provide long-term career pathways and require two years of education and training or less to get started. Each of these four targeted industries boasts the following: 

  • Advanced Manufacturing: 275+ total employers in the region, as well as 24% growth projected  over the next 10 years 
  • Information Technology: 450+ total employers in the region, as well as 16% growth projected  over the next 10 years 
  • Construction: 900+ total employers in the region, as well as 16% growth projected over the next  10 years 
  • Healthcare: 1,600 total employers in the region, as well as 17% growth projected over the next  10 years 

The Smart Careers section features information about each of the four industries with videos and career pathways that will put job seekers on the “fast track” to success.  

With help from their partners at Calhoun Community College, Drake State Community and Technical College, AIDT, KTECH, North Alabama Homebuilding Academy and more — these fast tracks share information such as job title, salary range, and even contact information to help steer individuals  towards the path of success.  

The new addition also shares real life experiences from local employees in each field, thanks to the help of Big Communications.

Five videos show how an individual’s dreams became their current career realities. Created with futuristic animation, these videos set the stage for opportunities abound in the four industries – individual videos represent each industry and one summarized video includes the  overall message.