U.S. Senate hopeful Katie Britt drops TV ad featuring grassroots rally speech

Monday, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Katie Britt released a new advertisement that will run on broadcast, cable and satellite television.

The 30-second spot, titled “Rally,” features footage from the candidate’s impassioned speech at a recent campaign meet and greet in Hale County.

“Every day that Joe Biden is president, we are weaker and more vulnerable,” Britt says in the ad. “As a Mama on a Mission, I demand that we have leaders who put America First. We must seal and secure our border. We have to have free, fair, and secure elections. Our children should be taught to love this country – not that they’re good or bad based on the color of their skin. I hope you will stand with me in choosing faith and freedom.”


In a release announcing her ad, Britt suggested that Alabama’s next senator should be someone who was not in search of a “taxpayer-funded retirement gig.”

“Alabamians want someone with high-energy to fight tirelessly for our Christian conservative values in the Senate,” stated Britt. “We don’t need another canned career politician who will say anything to get elected but do nothing once elected. Our great state deserves a hardworking Senator, not someone looking for their last political promotion or a taxpayer-funded retirement gig.”

According to her campaign, Britt visited all 67 Alabama counties prior to the end of 2021 and advised that she was set to visit every county again before the May 24, 2022, primary election.

Britt concluded, “I am proud to be bringing our Alabama First message directly to hardworking families in all 67 of our counties, and I would be honored to earn your vote on May 24. Together, we will save the country we know and love for our children and our children’s children.”

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL