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U.S. Senate confirms former Alabama Rep. Spencer Bachus to Export-Import Bank Board

This week, the U.S. Senate passed a year-end executive branch nominations package, confirming key appointees to a number of federal agencies.

Bachus served as a U.S. Representative for Alabama’s 6th Congressional District from 1993 to 2015 as a Republican. During that time, he played a leading role on the U.S. House Financial Services Committee as its ranking member from 2007 to 2011 and as chairman from 2011 to 2013.

U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville announced his successful work with Senate leadership in negotiating the package and was successful in ensuring the inclusion of Alabamian Spencer Bachus’s nomination to a second term on Board of Directors of the Export–Import Bank of the United States.

“Congratulations to my friend and fellow Alabamian Spencer Bachus on his confirmation to a second term on the Export–Import Bank Board,” Tuberville (R-Auburn) said.

“Since his initial appointment to the board by President Trump, Congressman Bachus has fought to help U.S. businesses remain competitive against companies in adversarial nations like China. Our country is fortunate to have Congressman Bachus serving in this key role, and I look forward to seeing all that he accomplishes in his second term.”

RELATED: I-22 in Jefferson County proclaimed ‘Congressman Spencer Bachus Highway’

Bachus graduated from Auburn University in 1969 and later from the University of Alabama Law School with a Juris Doctor degree.

His political career began in state politics, when he was elected to the Alabama State Senate in 1982 and the Alabama House shortly after. He was the first Republican elected to the Alabama State Board of Education and also on to serve as the Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party in 1991.

Grayson Everett is the state and political editor for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @Grayson270

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