U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks calls for Biden’s removal from office, citing ‘treason’ and ‘significantly eroded mental capacity’

U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) on Friday announced his desire for President Joe Biden’s exit from the White House by employing all constitutionally available avenues. This includes resignation, the 25th Amendment, as well as Congress opening an impeachment inquiry against the sitting president.

On Thursday, the North Alabama congressman called on Biden to resign from the presidency due to his handling of the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan. He believes that if the president fails to resign, Vice President Kamala Harris should invoke the 25th Amendment to constitutionally relieve Biden of his duties.

If neither scenario comes to fruition, Brooks says Congress should begin an investigation in accordance to the constitutional standards of “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors” to determine if Biden committed an impeachable offense.

Regarding the charge of treason, the constitution defines the term as “adhering to [America’s] enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

Brooks says it appears as if Biden aided and abetted the transfer of advanced American weaponry to the Taliban and other terrorist entities, all of whom he says have proven themselves to be enemies of the United States of America, thereby giving America’s enemies what he deems “aid and comfort.”

“President Joe Biden has proven himself to be a complete and total fiasco,” said Brooks. “The horror of dead American military personnel giving their lives in defense of a botched Afghanistan withdrawal is Joe Biden’s pinnacle of incompetence. As such, President Biden should, in the name of honor, resign as President of the United States.”

He added, “America [and] the free world need a President who shows strength and competence in the face of dictatorial geopolitical adversaries. Time and time again, President Biden has shown the strength of a marshmallow and the intellectual capacity and judgment of a gnat. America, and the free world, simply cannot afford the risks of such a vacuous man in the office of President of the United States.”

Brooks goes on to outline what he believes should take place given that the president refuses to resign his office.

“Should President Biden decline to do the honorable thing and resign, Vice-President Harris should initiate efforts to remove President Biden pursuant to the 25th Amendment to the Constitution,” said Brooks. “There was a time when Joe Biden had a keen mind and was capable of weighing myriad facts to reach sound judgments. Unfortunately, those days are long gone. Joe Biden’s mental capacity has significantly eroded and President Biden simply lacks the mental capacity needed to be an effective leader of the free world.”

He continued, “Should Vice-President Harris refuse to act on her 25th Amendment removal duties, Congress must initiate an impeachment investigation to determine whether President Biden should be impeached for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Lastly, Brooks cited Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution, which charges the federal government the responsibility of protecting the nation from invasion, which he says Biden failed to do by way of his progressive policies regarding immigration and border enforcement.

“President Biden is actively aiding, abetting and coordinating an ‘invasion’ across America’s porous southern border into Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and the rest of America, and, as such, President Biden’s southern border abdication should be fully investigated to determine whether it, too, is an impeachable offense,” claimed Brooks.

Brooks concluded in part, “President Biden has failed as Commander-In-Chief. President Biden is unable to meet the challenges of a President of the United States. He is mentally unfit to hold the Presidency.”

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL