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Tuberville: ‘It’s critical that Congress pass the SAVE Act along with the CR’

U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) is pushing for Congress to pass an election integrity bill by attaching it to a continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government.

Tuberville argued for the measure in an op-ed Friday.

“With the August recess coming to an end, the House and Senate will soon reconvene to focus on passing spending bills for Fiscal Year 2025. While funding the government is vital, I believe preserving the integrity of our elections is the most pressing issue before Congress,” Tuberville said. “It is imperative that we attach the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act to the upcoming continuing resolution (CR) before Americans cast their ballots this fall.”

According to Politico, Johnson indicated during a private call with GOP lawmakers on Wednesday that he would be attaching the SAVE Act to short-term government spending legislation before a potential government shutdown October 1.

“I am glad to see that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) intends to include the SAVE Act in the House version of the CR—an excellent decision,” Tuberville continued. “I’m calling on the Senate to follow Speaker Johnson’s lead to assure the American people that their voices will be heard this November.”

Tuberville said it’s imperative for the country to ensure trust in the voting process.

“It’s a common-sense piece of legislation that would strengthen the integrity of our federal elections. Now, more than ever, it’s critical that Congress pass the SAVE Act along with the CR. The inclusion of this bill will help preserve the country our Founders fought so hard to establish,” he said. “Without it, America as we know it may not survive.”

The senator also criticized those Democrats who have no interest in passing the bill.

“Unsurprisingly, some Democrats and their media allies have attacked this common-sense legislation, claiming that it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote,” he said. “While foreign nationals are technically prohibited from voting, no mechanism currently exists to effectively enforce that law. Unlike Speaker Johnson, I’m not an accomplished constitutional attorney. But I do know that you might as well not have laws if you don’t enforce them.”

Tuberville concludes that the Senate should take up and pass the House’s bill.

“The SAVE Act passed the House on a bipartisan basis on July 10. I ask that Senate leadership follow Speaker Johnson’s lead and renew its commitment to the American people. Secure our elections by agreeing to include the SAVE Act in the next government funding bill. The hour is late, and the time is near. The future of our republic hangs in the balance.”

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” Weekdays 9-11 am on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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