Tuberville decries political correctness — ‘Don’t mess with us as Christians, OK?’

CULLMAN — During an appearance on Saturday before the Cullman County Republican Party, former Auburn head football coach Tommy Tuberville, a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2020, hammered a point he has made often since his announced candidacy: His contention that society is overwhelmed by political correctness.

The coached-turned-candidate made the proclamation about political correctness, which was acknowledged by those in attendance at the Cullman Elks Lodge with boisterous applause.

“One thing I will not be is be politically correct,” Tuberville said. “I’m tired of that. They’ve lost their mind, folks.”

“You get on a plane now, and somebody can take up to a 200-pound horse on a plane with them. That’s the truth, a 200-pound horse! I ain’t sitting beside a horse. I want to see one put a seatbelt on. It’s crazy, a 200-pound horse to make them feel safe.’ I mean – that’s how far off we’ve gotten,” he continued. “That’s bureaucracy. That didn’t come from Congress. That comes from your Department of Transportation. Some rocket scientist up there thinks, ‘Man, we don’t want people to feel bad to get on a plane. They might be nervous.’ I’ve been nervous all my life. It’s mind-boggling.”

Tuberville went on to recount an encounter he had recently with an elementary school teacher that claimed she had been urged by the Department of Education not to use the words “no” and “don’t” in the classroom to bolster his point about political correctness.

“Think about that – we can’t hurt anybody’s feelings,” he said. “Folks, what are we doing? Have you heard anybody complain about that? You’re going to hear one right here. I’ve been a teacher for 40 years. You can’t teach anybody anything without using ‘no’ and ‘don’t,’ especially little kids. But that is a rule in this state.”

The U.S. Senate hopeful urged attendees to resist the “little things” done in the name of political correctness. One of which he alluded to was religion.

“It’s not going to stop until we put our foot down,” Tuberville added. “It’s not going to stop – the double standard. Different religions can do whatever they want to. I’m fine with every religion. I’m a Christian, OK? Don’t mess with us as Christians, OK? We’re a Christian country. ‘In God We Trust’ is our motto. We can use that. In some states, you can’t use that. When are we going to start complaining about the little things because we used to teach our football players, it’s not the big things that matter. It’s the little things that count up. And we’re letting all these little things go. We’re letting them all go.”

“Look at our news,” he continued. “All they ever do is they talk about the big things – the big things. What about the little things like the ‘no’ and ‘don’t’ in school? Or prayer in school, which is a big thing? Or horses on planes? It’s mind-boggling where we’ve come as a country. This is the United States of America. We’re proud of this country.”

@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University, the editor of Breitbart TV and host of “The Jeff Poor Show” from 2-5 p.m. on WVNN in Huntsville.

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