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Tuberville bill would eliminate politics from basing decisions

In his continuing fight for the U.S. Space Command, U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville introduced legislation to remove politics from the selection process of federal leases or property.

This move is in the wake of reports President Biden has considered overriding the Air Force’s decision naming Huntsville the future home of SPACECOM. Many suspect that the possible reversal is related to Alabama’s abortion policies.

“Federal building and basing decisions should be based on merit, not a partisan political agenda,” Tuberville (R-Auburn) said. “Punishing conservative Americans by keeping federal property out of their states would be an extreme and vindictive move, even for this extremist administration. But Alabamians know Joe Biden is considering doing just that with SPACECOM headquarters, which would set a dangerous precedent.”

“Instead, we ought to keep politics out of these decisions and ensure that taxpayer dollars are being invested where they can be most effective. That’s exactly what this legislation would do and why I’m proud to support it.”

Tuberville was joined in cosponsoring the bill by Sens. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mo.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), and fellow Alabama Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.)

Austen Shipley is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News.

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