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Trump ally Cliff Sims to Release Book on ‘Faith Lessons from the Halls of Power’

On May 7, 2024, former top Trump White House and intelligence community official Cliff Sims will release The Darkness Has Not Overcome: Lessons on Faith & Politics from Inside the Halls of Power. 

The book will take readers inside some of the most secretive places in America – including Top Secret “doomsday” bunkers, the president’s “Nuclear Football,” and the halls of the CIA and Office of Director of National Intelligence, and discusses the importance of maintaining faith in the face of the Left’s assault on Christianity and traditional values.

The book’s title is pulled from the Gospel of John, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

It targets an audience where there is significant overlap between political conservatives – especially those in Donald Trump’s base – and evangelical Christians, who will once again play a leading role in determining the outcome of this year’s presidential election.

RELATED: Trump confidant Cliff Sims appointed to U.S.-China Commission by Speaker Johnson

Although Trump is not the central focus of the book, Sims is expected to strongly defend his position as a Christian Trump supporter and to make the case for his former boss’s re-election in interviews throughout the campaign trail and book tour. 

High-profile endorsements for the book are already flying in from figures including Donald Trump, Jr., Tucker Carlson, U.S. Senator J.D. Vance, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and Charlie Kirk, and others:

Former DNI John Ratcliffe: “I worked closely with Cliff Sims every day when I served as Director of National Intelligence. In this book, Cliff gives readers a rare look into a world that most people only see in movies about the White House, or in spy novels – and he does it while providing practical faith lessons that apply to all of our lives.”

Donald Trump, Jr. “American Christians are under attack every day by leftwing activists, mainstream media outlets, and liberal politicians who want to take away our most basic freedoms. My friend Cliff Sims has been through the fire and lived to tell about it. The Darkness Has Not Overcome is an inspiring read that you’ll come back to again and again when you’re going through your own challenges.”

U.S. Senator J.D. Vance: “Politics is a cutthroat but ultimately temporal game, and Cliff Sims has played it at the highest level. The Darkness Has Not Overcome is full of indispensable lessons on how to view politics through an eternal lens while also being good stewards of the political freedoms we enjoy.” 

Tucker Carlson: “How does a Christian live with decency in a political world? First, by never forgetting that our fight is not against flesh and blood. We’re actors in a larger drama that we can rarely see, but often, if we’re quiet enough, can feel very clearly. Cliff Sims understands this, and he’s written about it beautifully in this wonderful book.” 

Charlie Kirk: “American Christians are in an existential fight for liberty and Biblical truth against radical leftwing forces hellbent on undermining both. Cliff Sims has been an indispensable leader in this fight, which is why The Darkness Has Not Overcome is a must-read for anyone who wants to preserve the Judeo-Christian values that made America the most special country on Earth.” 

RELATED: Q&A with Cliff Sims: Trump, UFOs, national security and his next chapter in Alabama

Worthy Books, an imprint of Hachette, is the publisher. Sims was represented by his longtime agent, Matt Latimer of Javelin. The Darkness Has Not Overcome is available for preorder on Amazon now ahead of its May 2024 official release. 

Grayson Everett is the state and political editor for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @Grayson270

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