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‘Top priority’: Moore advocates for Alabama’s producers in agriculture hearing

At a recent House Agriculture Committee hearing, Representative Barry Moore spoke up in support of Alabama’s farmers, ranchers, and foresters. He conveyed to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack that keeping American agricultural policy up to date is of great personal importance to him.

“Farm programs and safety net programs are important to Alabama agriculture,” said Moore. “Improvements to our nation’s agriculture policy and ensuring a timely farm bill reauthorization is certainly a top priority of mine and the producers I represent in lower Alabama.”

Moore elaborated on the possible improvements he believes will be of benefit to the state’s producers, in particular those within his district.

“I look forward to seeing increased reference prices, ensured programmatic integrity for SNAP and other federal assistance programs, and promoting the wood product industry,” Moore articulated. “Those are some of my top priorities for me and the livelihood of the people I represent.”

According to Moore, a recent drought has had a significant effect on the area he represents.

“The Wiregrass and western Alabama are struggling to stay whole after a serious drought in recent months, and peanut producers are feeling the pinch of slimmer-than-ever margins,” he said.

Moore argued that the Biden administration along with Democrats are wreaking havoc on Alabama and American agriculture by promoting a liberal agenda. “We are only met with resistance from our Democrat counterparts at any suggestion that’s made to adjust Title 1 to meet the needs of modern-day production,” Moore said.

“It’s disappointing that these producers do not feel supported by the current administration, who would rather play favorites with ERP, grab every tax dollar they can for SNAP, and pander to radical wealthy environmentalists.”

“It seems the Department of Agriculture is putting politics before people.”

“Our farmers, ranchers, and foresters deserve better.”

Austen Shipley is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News.

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