This Alabama city receives more precipitation than any in the country, including Seattle

A recently published report revealed that the Southeast is home to the top-five of America’s major cities receiving the most precipitation, with one Alabama municipality coming in at No. 1.

Fox News reported that the most recent data available (covering 1981-2010) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows that Mobile has the highest average annual amount of precipitation among contiguous U.S. cities with populations of 50,000 or more.

During that time period, Mobile saw an average of 62.45 inches of precipitation annually.

Next on the list, respectively, came New Orleans, LA; West Palm Beach, FL; Miami, FL; and Pensacola, FL.

Cities in the Pacific Northwest traditionally thought of as the rainiest in the country trailed their southern counterparts by a large margin.

For example, Seattle, WA, experienced an average annual precipitation of just under 38 inches during the time span. Meanwhile, Portland, OR, saw just over 36 inches of precipitation annually on average over the same period.

Other Alabama cities ranked relatively high in annual average precipitation, as well.

Huntsville saw 54.34 inches per year, compared to Birmingham’s 53.72 and Montgomery’s 53.07.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn