The 7 Things You Should Be Talking About Today
1. The president offered up real solutions, they’re actually doable
— Over the last few days, Donald Trump suggested changes to background checks, making bump stocks illegal, allowing teachers to be armed, and raising the age of someone who can purchase a firearm.
— Republicans have offered up solutions, Democrats are being pushed into arguing for gun control measures that have little chance of success.
2. The CNN Town Hall on gun issues was a pro-2nd Amendment group’s dream event
— The event was billed as a bipartisan event with Sen. Marco Rubio and the NRA’s Dana Loesch participating, they were heckled and yelled at the entire time.
— The crowd booed Loesch talking about missing red flags and chanted for gun bans, gun sales will spike after this.
3. Superintendents want more cops in the schools and do no want teachers to be able to carry
— State Representative Will Ainsworth advocated for allowing teachers to be armed, but Superintendents aren’t sold on the idea.
— Madison’s Robby Parker made the following statement, “Do we really want a first-year teacher in a gun battle with a terrorist? Do we think that’s going to make us safe? My answer is no.”
4. A bill to ban red-light cameras fails in the State House
— Red-light cameras are used by cities to raise money, according to State Rep. Ken Johnson.
— An attorney for the city of Tuscaloosa, said there have been 31,000 tickets written in the city.
5. Trump goes after Attorney General Jeff Sessions, again
— Trump has been upset about Sessions recusing for quite some time.
— Now he is asking, “Why aren’t Dem crimes under investigation? Ask Jeff Sessions!”
6. Students walk out of classes across the country
— Students in the Florida school district where 17 were killed walked out of class and marched towards Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
— Other students nationwide did the same, some for only 17 minutes to honor the 17 killed.
7. Conservatives need to start rejecting the trolls in their midst, they hurt their movement
— After the shooting in Florida and the activism of many of the students, the fringe Internet Right has ridiculously gone on the attack.
— The media loves writing up what random people on social media say and tying it to all Republicans.