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The police aren’t the bad guys that the mob wants you to think they are

A popular call right now from the left is one to defund the police. Yes, this is a real thing.

Adults in 2020 apparently believe that things would be better if there were no police.

This is the type of pipe dream that college kids tell each other over bong rips.

We now get to watch as the American media and their Democrats attempt to talk down the more radical elements of their movement.

Huntsville City Councilman Devyn Keith attempted to walk back the meaning here.

But that’s not what the movement is calling for.

Keith is just trying to fix their messaging.

You cannot talk sense into these people.

CNN “New Day” host Alisyn Camerota is trying to talk sense into this Minneapolis City councilwoman in a way that says, “You don’t really believe this silly thing, do you?”

The councilwoman, and the movement she represents, believes that for Camerota to call the police after a middle-of-the-night break-in is just a sign of her privilege. Camerota, for some reason, can’t comprehend how the burglar might be harmed if the local police respond to her 911 call.

Being robbed, and maybe worse, is just the cost of being a white person in America under this thinking.

If a burglar is killed, the violence is the fault of the police and not the individual who is robbing the house.

The victims are to blame, not the criminals.

Ultimately, in the world of those who want to #DefundThePolice, cops wouldn’t respond to crimes at all.

Brilliant. No cops means no one is killed by cops, right? Problem solved.

What would happen in areas hardest hit by crimes?

Chicago still has cops, as of now, and they had their most violent weekend in 60 years with 92 shot and 27 dead.

None of those shot and killed were killed by cops, so do their #BlackLivesMatter?

Do fewer police officers make that situation better?

Who would be harmed by this? The victims of crime, violent and otherwise, will be like they are now — mostly black. With no police or, in the most sane version of this, less police, the victims will increase rather than decrease.

Police do not create crime. They respond to it.

No police will not mean no crime, it will mean more. Everyone knows this.

But make no mistake, these folks want no police, they are making that clear. They aren’t trying to hide it, they are pushing back against those who try to talk them out of it. They believe it, and that is impossible for sane people to believe.

Obviously, Joe Biden, a 77-year-old seasoned politician, isn’t about to sign on to this stuff … yet.

Biden can easily be pushed to the “correct” position and his supporters know that.

There are members of Congress, the media and the public who do want to defund the police, and Biden wants them on board with him and helping him turn out votes.

First, they wanted to #AbolishICE.

Now, they want to #DefundThePolice.

Next, they will want to #CutDefenseSpending.

They are telling us who they are. It is time to believe them.

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN.

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