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The inevitable push for vaccine mandates in Alabama schools is coming

Alabama will be dragged into the mandate conversation.

It has no choice.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) won his recall election, and now he is out to do what he wanted to all along — force his citizens to get a COVID-19 vaccine whether they want it or not.

Students will be required to take a vaccine once the federal government approves it for their age group. That’s right. California approved a vaccine before the medical professionals have.

Teachers will also have to be vaccinated, and no testing option will be available.

Are private schools an option? Nope. Private schools, too.

The only reason he hasn’t pushed for a vaccine mandate for all citizens is that he hasn’t figured out a way to do it yet.

Ignore the fact that prison guards don’t have a vaccine mandate in California.

But it doesn’t end in California. Other blue states will, of course, follow suit.

The American media will now press every single Republican governor they can about mandating vaccines for school children in their state.

If they push back, watch out.

This doesn’t stop here. The Alabama political media will start banging away.

State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris will undoubtedly be asked if he will advise the governor to implement such a mandate.

But for giggles, let’s actually follow the science on this with the Alabama Department of Public Health.

There is no reason to force a child to take a vaccine.

I would argue it might be anti-science and borderline child abuse to even give a healthy kid a COVID-19 vaccine.

This is especially true given what we now know. According to the CDC’s Rochelle Walensky, the vaccine doesn’t always keep you from spreading or getting the virus.

The vaccine is about mitigation of the illness. Mandates that result in firings make less sense knowing that

Those in danger should take the vaccine and their boosters to minimize the illness’ impact, and we should try to live life normally.

But this isn’t about science — it is about politics.

The governor and the legislature should put a ban on these vaccine mandates into law, and they need to do it now.

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 5-9AM weekdays on WVNN and on Talk 99.5 from 10AM to noon.

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