Terry Lathan will not seek reelection as ALGOP chair

Alabama Republican Party Chair Terry Lathan has announced that she will not seek reelection to a fourth term in 2021.

Lathan informed ALGOP State Executive Committee members of her decision in an email on Tuesday.

Yellowhammer News contributor Jeff Poor first reported the news.

A former public school teacher and longtime Republican grassroots activist from Mobile, Lathan has led the state party since being elected in February 2015.

The ALGOP State Executive Committee will now elect a new chairman at its annual winter meeting in February.

Lathan is the Alabama Republican Party’s longest-serving chair since 1985.

“Now that we have reclaimed our US Senate seat for the GOP, our finances are secured, our ‘family’ (internal party leadership) is stable and we are in outstanding shape across Alabama, I have decided to step aside as State Chairman,” Lathan wrote in her email. “Just as I prayed and felt strongly about running, I also have asked [for] guidance and received the answer it is time to serve our Party in other ways.”

She subsequently said that she looks “forward to having less constraints in my speech and actions…”

“After 42 years of service to our Party and causes, I’m just warming up,” Lathan added.

UPDATE 1:10 p.m.

In a statement to Yellowhammer News, Lathan added, “Words cannot adequately express my gratefulness for the support and trust I have received from our State Executive Committee, County Party members, donors and elected officials as Chairman since 2015. From being the longest serving Chairman of six years since 1985, to being the current longest serving female State Chairman – as well as in the top five of State Chair Seniority on the Republican National Committee – I am deeply honored to have served my Party in this role.”

She also highlighted the following successes during her tenure:

  • The highest GOP primary and general election voter turnouts driven by our strategic targeting that benefited all candidates in our elections
  • Since 2015, flipped over 100 Democrat seats to Republican seats
  • 68% of all partisan elected officials are Republicans
  • Every elected official category in Alabama has a majority of Republicans (Sheriffs, County Commissioners, School Board members, etc.)

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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