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Steve Marshall files U.S. Supreme Court brief protecting minors from gender transition treatments

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday in support of Tennessee and Kentucky laws that will protect children from experimental gender transitional treatments.

Marshall, in the brief, specifically argued against the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) — which he says advocates for allowing the transition of minors while pretending to be a legitimate clinical organization.

“WPATH is no model of disinterested science,” wrote Marshall. “Rather its ‘standards of care’ for children with gender dysphoria rely on limited evidence-based research and suppressing dissent. This stance persists, even in the face of a European movement distancing itself from WPATH’s unproven approach to care.”

RELATED: AG: Banning certain transgender procedures for minors right thing to do

“We strongly urge the Court to keep these laws in place, allowing a full discovery to expose the truth of WPATH’s radical and unproven agenda.”

The brief highlights reporting and public statements from WPATH that call its right to exist as an organization into question.

One example of this is WPATH’s Standards of Care chapter on Eunuchs, which recommends “castration to better align their bodies with their gender identity.” The scientific information developed from a “large online peer-support community known as the ‘Eunuch Archive’” also boasts a fictional section of thousands of stories that “involve the sadistic sexual abuse of children.”

Marshall also noted the organization’s tradition of aversion to scientific skepticism and alternative views. He claims that this aversion resulted in research from experts such as Dr. Ken Zucker being discarded for the offense of being concerned that “transitioning children would entrench gender dysphoria that would otherwise resolve.”

In January, the Eleventh Circuit cleared the way for Alabama’s Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act (Alabama’s version of the Kentucky and Tennessee legislation) to be enforced, as the state proceeds towards a full trial in August of 2024.

Austen Shipley is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News.

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