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Sessions completely destroys Obama’s plan to pass trade agreement

(Video above: Senator Sessions Warns Against Ramming Through Unpopular Trans-Pacific Partnership)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions called out President Obama yesterday, ridiculing his plan to push the Trans-Pacific Partnership through Congress even though the agreement is losing support.

In a joint press conference in Germany with Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday, President Obama said that he expects to be in a position to start moving the trade agreement through Congress once the U.S. primaries are over and the politics in Congress have settled down.

Senator Sessions said the President’s belief that he can push the TPP through Congress is “arrogant” and that it should make Americans uneasy.

“We’ve already heard that there are plans by a number of forces and interest groups to try to slip this TPP through after the election in a lame duck congressional session,” Sessions said. “If it’s such a good deal, why don’t they bring it forward? Why don’t we have a debate about it while elections are on?”

President Obama has stood by the TPP and argues that globalization of the economy makes American businesses more competitive. He did acknowledge in his press conference in Germany that people all over the world tend to be suspicious and “unsettled” by globalization and trade deals.

“Although trade has brought enormous benefits to many of our countries that have been engaged in trade, although, typically, jobs that are produced from exports have higher wages and better benefits than those that are not involved with the export market, people visibly see a plant moving and jobs lost, and the narrative develops that this is weakening, rather than strengthening, the position of ordinary people and ordinary workers, and it’s forcing them to compete with low-wage labor,” he said.

Sessions, who has been the fiercest opponent to President Obama’s globalist trade agenda, believes that support for the 5,544-page trade agreement is quickly disappearing. Over half of Americans are not even familiar with the TPP, he said, but Obama and special interest groups want to pass the agreement without worrying about the American people.

“What the president is fundamentally saying and what these special interest groups are saying is, well, we know you in Congress are so smart and we know the president is smart and the people out here, they don’t understand how smart we all are,” Sessions said. “But we understand you shouldn’t do this while elections are going on because you might get your clock cleaned. They might vote you out of office, so we’ll see if we can’t work up some way to pass it in the future.”

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