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School choice bill moves forward in Senate

On Tuesday, the Alabama Senate Finance and Taxation Education Committee voted to give a favorable report to legislation that would give parents across the state additional choice and financial support pathways for school.

The CHOOSE Act is sponsored by State Rep. Danny Garrett (R-Trussville) and being carried in the Senate by State Sen. Arthur Orr (R-Decatur) who chairs the committee.

The bill creates education savings accounts of up to $7,000 that parents can use to send their child to private school or to an out-of-district public school. There is also up to $2,000 available for educational programs for parents who homeschool their children.

This legislation is a top policy priority for Alabama Governor Kay Ivey. Nick Moore is the governor’s policy advisor. On Tuesday, Moore explained a number of changes that were made in the House version of the bill.

“No more than $500 million can be carried over from year to year in the Choose Act fund,” Moore said of one of the changes. The legislation requires that a participating child be a legal resident of the United States and requires that a participating private school be within the state of Alabama. In the case of an online school it either has to be based in Alabama or have a major nexus in the state.

The legislation requires that the participating private school share student performance testing with the Alabama Department of Revenue and to the parents.

RELATED: Alabama House passes bill giving students, families greater educational choice

“Would that ever be posted to the public? Or is that just between the Department of Revenue and parents,” Senate Minority Leader Bobby Singleton (D-Greensboro) asked.

“The deal does not speak to it being reported publicly,” said Moore.

“This is meant to empower parents and help them put their children in position to thrive,” said Moore.

“There are about 75,00 private school students estimated in the state,” Moore said and “726,000 public K-12 students in the state.”

Moore explained that the average public-school student in Alabama receives $12,000 per year in combined local, state, and federal funding. Moore explained that this program would not change how special education students are treated under federal law.

“A parent who would adopt this program who would seek this program wants their child to be given an opportunity,” said Sen. Kirk Hatcher (D-Montgomery).

“My parents did send me to private school, but they paid for that,” Hatcher said.

“We may have these resources now in the state; but who knows what’s coming,” said Hatcher. “I am concerned that if you want to decapitate public schools at least say it so we now how to deal with it.”

“Money may not be the panacea to the issues; but I know what happens if you don’t have it,” said Hatcher on his concerns about the bill.

The Senate held a public hearing on last week where proponents and opponents spoke about the merits and concerns of the legislation.

The Committee voted to give the bill a favorable report in a 10 to 3 vote. It will be voted on in a vote of the full Senate body on Wednesday night.

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