U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-Saks) gave an interview to Chris Cuomo on CNN Tuesday night during which he spoke about the ongoing conflict between the United States and Iran.
The interview came quickly on the heels of Iran’s strike on U.S. military bases, and President Donald Trump’s tweet that assured America that all was well.
“I think that’s the first indication by the president that he does plan to de-escalate,” Rogers said when asked about the tweet on “Cuomo Prime Time.”
Rogers is the ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee and is a member of the Committee on Armed Services.
“He recognizes this was intentional by the Iranians — to hit near the airbases in unpopulated areas,” Rogers added about Trump.
Rogers continued that from the Iranian perspective the attack was “a way to tell their domestic population ‘we hit back’ but to not cross the line of killing Americans that they knew would bring retaliation.”
Cuomo pushed Rogers on what the host perceived as congressional members failing to do their jobs by not asserting their authority over the executive branch when it comes to military affairs.
“I’m not for the Congress starting to micromanage the executive branch, especially the commander-in-chief,” Rogers replied, pushing back on Cuomo’s assertion.
Rogers remarked, “We monitor on a regular annual basis what’s happening over there, if we choose to differ with the White House about their actions in the region, we can cut off the money. We don’t do that.”
Henry Thornton is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can contact him by email: [email protected] or on Twitter @HenryThornton95.