Rogers sticks with Trump, says stakes are too high to elect Hillary
Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers says he isn’t getting distracted by the narrative of a Clinton-friendly media. Come November, he’s sticking with his commitment to cast a vote for Donald Trump.
“I plan to vote for Donald Trump for president,” Rep. Rogers said. “I have pledged from the beginning to support the Republican presidential nominee even if it was not one of the candidates I initially preferred.”
He’s referring to the primary election, of course. Prior to Trump winning the Republican nomination, Rep. Rogers had supported Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s campaign. He told Alabamians in May that he would support the voters choice for the GOP ticket.
However, following released audio that found Trump making lewd comments toward women, some Republican Representatives across the country have begun to question their own support of the GOP nominee. Rep. Rogers maintains that the stakes are too high to allow Hillary Clinton into the White House.
Other leaders agree. This week, a stream of leaked emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign has revealed hostilities toward Christians, Catholics, Southerners, and other conservative-leaning voter groups. As a result, dozens of religious leaders have blasted the Democrat candidate for “Christophobic” behavior.
The Alabama Congressman points to Clinton’s record, and acknowledges significant legislative battles ahead as reasons why Republicans should consider supporting the nominee.
“The fact of the matter is Hillary Clinton is the wrong choice for our nation,” he said. “A Supreme Court under Mrs. Clinton would be destructive to everything we hold dear in Alabama from protecting the rights of unborn children to our Second Amendment rights. Additionally, we must repeal and replace Obamacare and start to roll back some of the overly burdensome EPA and Dodd-Frank financial regulations that are destroying our economy.”
“Only a Trump presidency can make these possible,” he added.
Alabama Representatives that have put forth a similar position include Senators Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby, along with Representatives Mo Brooks, Gary Palmer, and Bradley Byrne. All have affirmed they would vote for Trump in November.