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Republican Charlotte Meadows wins Alabama HD-74 race

Republican nominee Charlotte Meadows on Tuesday overwhelmingly won the special general election in Alabama House District 74.

This district covers a portion of the City of Montgomery and Montgomery County.

The seat became vacant upon the death of beloved State Rep. Dimitri Polizos (R-Montgomery) this spring.

With only provisional votes left to potentially be counted, Meadows garnered 68.51% (1,664 votes) while Democrat Rayford Mack received 31.49% ( 765 votes).

The secretary of state’s office will certify the election by December 4.

Meadows, founder of Montgomery’s LEAD Academy, is a leading school choice advocate across the state.

In a statement, Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan said, “Charlotte Meadows will be an asset to our Republican controlled legislature. She has been a passionate education advocate in Montgomery for the past 15 years. We look forward to her putting that enthusiasm to work on the state level on behalf of all Alabama families. Congratulations State Representative-elect Meadows.”

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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