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Reps. Byrne and Rogers tell Obama: Come back with a plan for beating ISIS

US Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL3) and Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL1)
US Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL3) and Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL1)

WASHINGTON — President Obama is asking Congress for an authorization for the use of military force (AUMF), but Alabama Reps. Bradley Byrne and Mike Rogers have a message for him: come back with a plan to actually defeat ISIS.

Both Rogers and Byrne sit on the House Armed Services Committee, where Rogers serves as Chair of the House Armed Services Committee’s Strategic Forces subcommittee.

“I have long said President Obama doesn’t have a real strategy for defeating the Islamic State,” Congressman Rogers told Yellowhammer. “While I believe this request for an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) is a necessary step in the right direction, it does not outline a well thought out strategy for success.”

Islamic State fighters attacked Al-Baghdadi, an Iraqi city mere miles from an airbase housing hundreds of US Marines. Eight suicide bombers reportedly made it onto the airbase, but were quickly killed by Though Iraqi military forces were able to recapture control of the city following the attack, the movements of ISIS show just how bold the fighters have become.

President Obama’s plan to battle ISIS calls for targeted airstrikes and further training for local troops, without increasing the number of boots on the ground.

“I am convinced that the U.S. should not get back into another ground war in the Middle East — it’s not in our national security interest and not necessary for us to defeat ISIL,” the President said.

For Reps. Byrne and Rogers, the loose plan the President outlined for Congress doesn’t give enough of a clear path to victory to push back and eradicate ISIS fighters.

“I told Secretary Hagel when he was before our Committee back in December that in order for me to support a request for an Authorization for Use of Military Force that I needed to hear the President’s strategy for winning the war against ISIL. I have not heard an adequate strategy yet,” Rep. Byrne said in a statement.

Congressman Rogers called out President Obama last week for not showing the same resolve as Jordan’s King Abdullah II.

“I was very impressed with the resolve shown by the King of Jordan when I had the opportunity to meet with him this week,” Rogers told Yellowhammer. “If only our President showed the same.”

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