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Rep. Strong: Lawless Mayorkas has himself to blame for impeachment

Over the last year, the House Committee on Homeland Security has conducted an investigation into the causes and costs of the crisis at our southern border. That investigation laid bare the mistakes, recklessness, and irresponsibility of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and the Biden Administration. 

There are two indisputable facts that came out of our investigation. First, we have, in no uncertain terms, a crisis at our southern border. Second, Secretary Mayorkas’ willful refusal to uphold federal immigration law is a direct cause of that crisis.

Before Secretary Mayorkas took over DHS, our borders were more secure than they have ever been. Under President Trump, the United States instituted sound border policies and immigration law aimed at doing precisely what DHS is supposed to do, protecting the Homeland. 

However, under Secretary Mayorkas, our homeland is anything but safe. Over 8.3 million illegal aliens have crossed the southern border during the Biden Administration, a direct result of Secretary Mayorkas’ deliberate attempt to circumvent federal law. 

Over 360 individuals on the terror watchlist have been stopped trying to enter the country, with countless more likely evading detection. To put that in perspective, 19 men on the watchlist were apprehended in December alone, the same amount of individuals that carried out the 9/11 attacks. Those that wish the United States and Americans harm are exploiting the weakness of this border crisis, yet Secretary Mayorkas does not seem to care.

The lack of consequences for those crossing our border illegally puts American lives in danger and invites yet more illegal immigrants. In fact, December 2023 was the 34th month in a row that illegal border crossings have been higher than even the highest month under President Trump.

Just weeks ago, Secretary Mayorkas stated that they were releasing over 85% of illegal aliens that are “apprehended,” despite federal law stipulating that migrants are only to be released on a “limited, case-by-case basis.”

I don’t know about you, but I have never heard of 85% being described as either limited or case-by-case. There is no doubt that Secretary Mayorkas’ refusal to enforce federal law caused this massive crisis.

The Committee has dutifully and thoroughly conducted its investigation and voted just last week to send the articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas to the House floor. I want to be clear; this is not a decision that I or any of my colleagues took lightly.

This is the result of 10 hearings, the testimony of over two dozen witnesses including the chiefs and deputy-chiefs of each of the nine Border Patrol southwest border sectors, and hundreds of hours of investigation. 

Facing the reality of the situation our country finds itself in means that we must resort to the last solution available to us, the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas for his willful refusal to enforce the law and his breach of the public trust.

Congressman Dale W. Strong represents the Fifth District of Alabama and is a member of the House Armed Services, Homeland Security, and Science, Space and Technology Committees.

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