Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) recently joined his Republican colleagues in the Agriculture Committee expressing concern over President Joe Biden’s recent executive actions.
Moore and every Republican member of the Agriculture Committee sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack asking for more information on recent agency actions.
“Given this administration’s concerning reliance on executive actions to advance some of its most radical priorities, we are compelled to underscore the implications of West Virginia v. EPA and to remind you of the limitations on your authority,” the letter says. “Relatedly, we are requesting information regarding the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) efforts to review recent and pending agency actions in light of this important holding.”
The members of Congress emphasized how the Supreme Court ruling limits the power of the Executive Branch.
“In the decision, the Court invoked the ‘major questions doctrine’ to reject an attempt by
the EPA to exceed its statutory authority,” the letter says. “As the Court explained, ‘[p]recedent teaches that there are ‘extraordinary cases’ in which the ‘history and breadth of the authority that [the agency] has asserted,’ and the ‘economic and political significance’ of that assertion, provide a ‘reason to hesitate before concluding that Congress’ meant to confer such authority. ‘Under this doctrine, an agency must point to “clear congressional authorization for the authority it claims.’ However, the EPA could not point to such authorization.”
They also highlighted recent examples of the USDA overreaching its authority in pushing new rules and directives.
“[W]e remain concerned that a variety of USDA’s recent and pending actions rely on specious statutory interpretation to achieve political goals well beyond Congressional intent,” the letter continues. “From repeated abuses of the Commodity Credit Corporation (charter Act) to controversial livestock and poultry marketing reforms, the potential effects of these actions are far reaching and of enormous economic significance to our nation’s farmers, ranchers, foresters, and consumers.”
Moore released a statement on the letter pointing out that Congress should be the ultimate authority on many of these issues.
“The Biden Administration continues to disappoint by using authority it does not have to advance policies the American people do not support,” Moore said. “When I am traveling around my district talking to constituents, not a single one ever asks for more spending on Green New Deal policies. The Biden Administration needs to leave the policymaking up to the American people and the congressional representation they chose.”
Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee