Alabama Rep Byrne on anti-gun school walkout: ‘Students need to stay in school’

In a recorded statement posted on Mobile Fox affiliate WALA’s Bob Grip’s Twitter account on Wednesday, Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Fairhope) urged students participating in the school walkout earlier in the day to stay in the classroom.

According to Byrne, when students participate in walkouts, it allows those that engage in these violent acts to win.

“I appreciate hearing students’ voices,” Byrne said. “But students need to stay in school. They need to stay in class. The most important thing we can is to make sure we don’t let the people that perpetrate these acts win. And every time a child is out of class, they win.”

Jeff Poor is a graduate of Auburn University and works as the editor of Breitbart TV. Follow Jeff on Twitter @jeff_poor.

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Proposal to arm Alabama teachers draws support, fire

Yellowhammer News March 14, 2018