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‘Build the Wall!’ — Pro-Trump chalk drawings show up around iconic Saban statue

photos courtesy of Kinsey Haynes
photos courtesy of Kinsey Haynes

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Nick Saban has not weighed in on the 2016 presidential race, but Donald Trump supporters on campus at the University of Alabama are hoping to use his likeness to promote their candidate’s platforms.

To much controversy, chalk writings of “Trump 2016” or “Make America Great Again” have been popping up all over the country. At universities especially, these drawings have caused backlash and some accusations of racism.

Last week, at Emory University in Atlanta, officials scrambled to respond to a student demonstration after roughly 100 messages were found on campus. Many students felt that Trump’s name was being used as a shot towards groups that Trump has offended.

Now these chalk drawings have shown up in the Yellowhammer State on the UA campus. The writers picked the statue of five-time national championship winning coach Nick Saban as their background for a series of pro-trump statements.

The chalk writing was seen on the sidewalk in front of Saban’s likeness and on the concrete wall behind it.

trump saban statue censored

The writing in front on the statue read “Trump 2016: Build the Wall” and the writing behind reads “Trump 2k16”.

Students noticed the writings this morning on the way to classes and immediately took to social media to share them with their classmates.

It also appears that counter protestors changed the wording, adding “Idk [I don’t know] not..” before Trump 2016 and putting an expletive above the GOP front-runner’s name.

The alteration to the writing behind Saban is more lighthearted. One person added “Auburn hearts…” in front of “Trump 2K16” taking a shot at the Crimson Tide’s archival.

trump saban sidewalk censored

Social media reactions from University of Alabama students has been mostly negative. Some are upset about the forwarding of Trump’s agenda, but many are also saddened that someone would deface the statue of Coach Saban.

The University of Alabama Media Relations department said, “While we recognize individuals’ rights to express themselves, chalking that violates UA’s Chalking Policy will be removed.”

Although not particularly popular among college students, Donald Trump did exceedingly well in the Alabama presidential primary. The New York Billionaire won over 43 percent of the popular vote and 36 of 50 total delegates.

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