Retired military veterans can now get an Alabama concealed carry permit for free

Gun on Flag

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Retired military veterans can now obtain an Alabama concealed carry permit free of charge, thanks to a bill signed into law by Governor Robert Bentley (R-Ala.).

According to a press release sent out by the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action, HB59, sponsored by state Representative David Standridge (R-Hayden), “will allow qualified, law-abiding, retired military veterans to apply for and receive an Alabama concealed weapon license (CWL) without a fee.”

The new law comes at a time when pistol permits in Alabama are being obtained in record numbers.

Jefferson County, for instance, is on track to issue almost 63% more pistol permits to women this year than last year.

But the NRA believes permits in Alabama, which can cost anywhere between $45 and $125, depending on the county, are too expensive across the board.

“(L)aw-abiding Alabamians should not be charged different amounts for the same permit,” said Catherine Mortensen, NRA spokesperson, in a press release. “The NRA believes that concealed carry permit fees should be limited to the actual cost of processing the permit and complying with all statutory obligations. Anything above that is a discriminatory tax on law-abiding gun owners and a revenue generator for the county.”

In other gun-related moves, the legislature has repeatedly worked to pass a bill allowing handgun owners to carry loaded handguns in their cars without a permit. And earlier this year Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange announced that concealed carry permit holders did not have to undergo additional background checks when purchasing more guns.