As reported yesterday, Governor Kay Ivey appointed Will Sellers to serve as Associate Justice on the Alabama Supreme Court. Today, Justice Sellers was kind enough to spend a few moments with Yellowhammer before starting his Memorial Day weekend. In our brief visit together, we simply asked him how he thinks his experience as a private-practice tax attorney will uniquely help him serve the people of Alabama in this new role. Below is his four-point reply:
- “First, tax lawyers spend their careers dealing with the rules and regulations of agencies that confiscate money from private citizens. Learning the intricacies of that system allows you to navigate its pitfalls, and provides a useful backdrop to view related cases and issues.”
- “Second, it enables you to consider improvements that can be made in these government bureaucracies who, as we know, don’t always get it right.”
- “Third, this experience makes one sensitive to the need to treat the concerns of our citizens with confidentiality and respect, realizing that in many cases, the harsh and overbearing actions of the government are the very things that created their doubt and noncompliance in the first place.”
- “Lastly, one thing that’s often overlooked with tax lawyers is that they deal not only with rules and regs but with tax litigation. Personally, I’ve tried tax cases in Alabama circuit courts, appellate courts, the U.S. Tax Court, and the 11th circuit. Tax cases are unique in that jury trials are not allowed and are tried only before a judge, so I think this trial experience also has provided me with skills that I trust will enrich my service on the Alabama Supreme Court.”
In a statement he released yesterday, Associate Justice Sellers said:
“I am humbled to be appointed an Associate Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and I thank Governor Ivey for her confidence in me. As a Justice, I can only promise to live up to my oath and serve the people of Alabama faithfully and fairly. I will respect the rule of law and apply the law equally without bias or respect to person or station in life. I look forward to working with Chief Justice Stuart and the other Justices on the Court.”
RELATED: Governor Ivey Appoints William Sellers to Alabama Supreme Court